I am 4 5 days postop and I have occassional pain in my left side.
I dont know what is causing it or what it could be. I first noticed it 3 weeks ago and now its back and has been contstant for 3 days now. Should I worry or can I wait to see the doctor next tuesday as schedules. Thanks Lisa — Lisa G. (posted on July 17, 2003)
July 17, 2003
Ofcourse you shouldd always see your doctor--but I am 5 weeks, went to see
doc about the burning pain on left side and it is just from the rib
spreader used in operation. Hurts like *** when I bend walk, etc. I thought
I pulled a muscle. He said it was cartilage going back into place! Go
figure. P.S. this is going to get worse I was told before it gets better.
— who A.
July 17, 2003
I had the same thing at about 3-4 weeks post-op. In fact I had so many
different aches and pains I was wondering if I would ever feel normal
again! Mine turned out to be sore muscles and ribs. Since the pain was
never severe, I didn't worry about it and it eventually went away (only to
be replaced by a new one, LOL). As always, if your pain gives you concern
and is bad enough that you can't get comfortable and moving/breathing is
painful, call your doc. Always better to be safe than sorry. Good luck!
Jody:) Open RNY 5/23/03
— MomBear2Cubs
July 17, 2003
I am still having some cramp like pains in my left side and presume they
are normal. I dont need meds, so I figure they are ok. When they put my
port in they attach it to the lining of your ribs I think and I guess this
is what is causeing the pain. I had my lap band on 5/7/03
— Anonymous A.
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