Has anyone experienced dark skin patches from the birth control patch?

I noticed that one of the side effects of the patch is dark skin patches, especially on the face. Also, does anyone tan while using the patch. It says that sunlamps may make it worse. Now i'm scared to use it. Has anyone experienced this side effect?    — Tracy S. (posted on June 30, 2003)

June 30, 2003
Hi Tracy...I use the patch, and I tan...I haven't had any dark patches on my skin at all. All I can say is try it and if you get patches, then stop tanning indoors....Good luck Denise 316/153
   — lily1968

June 30, 2003
Hi, I was on the patch from January till about 2weeks ago. I never had any problems. I tan indoors and never really had a problem. Sometimes if I take the patch off or change it, then if I tan that day or the next,it's redder in the area where the patch was, but it goes away! I'm taking a break from the patch for a couple of months to try to lose some more weight. From January up until recently I stayed at the same weight, when I took it off, in a matter a week or two i'd lost 10 pounds! Good luck to ya'll Post op almost 1year, -112lbs at 150lbs, sizes 9-11
   — Sunny4x4chick

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