Post Op, Why would I be getting bumps on my legs after exercising?

My surgery date was 9/16/02. I weighed 355 lbs and have lost 155 pounds. I am determined not to have surgery due to my loose skin. The stomach would only be one part of my body that needs tucked. My legs are very loose, infact they almost look as though they have been burned. I joined a fitness club and exercise on a regular basis. It's only been a month but I have developed bumps on my legs. Is this fatty tissue? Will this go away? Am I being realistic about this, preventing surgery? HELP, the last thing I want is another surgery. Any suggestions?    — June S. (posted on June 28, 2003)

June 28, 2003
Boy does this sound familar. Well the little bumps on my inner thighs turned red. I tried using some ointment, but everytime I exercised it got worse. I finally went to the dermatologist and he told me it was a form of a yeast infection. He prescribed me Diflacam and a prescription ointment. He told me it was the sweat from exercising getting trapped on the excess skin. I now use an antifungal powder daily and the prescription ointment when I get a flare up. He told me not to quite exercising and that this was an unfortunate side effect of the surgery.
   — ckreh

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