Is it best to have tubes tied before WLS?

I am 39 years old, pre-op and am on the pill. I have to stop taking the pill before the surgery. My doctor has been after me for the last couple of years to have my tubes tied, but would not consider it until I lost weight because of the complications of anesthesia. I am not into condomns, I'm not thrilled with the thought of an IUD. Has anyone had their tubes tied before surgery?    — Karla S. (posted on June 26, 2003)

June 26, 2003
Hi, Not really sure what your question is but I had my tubes tied 5 years ago I weighed about 240 ans the only complication from the surgery was my incision got a little infected. However let me say before you decide to get your tubes tied do some research and talk to a few women who have had theirs done. We assume because so many people have it done that it is a harmless procedure but there are side effects that noone warned me about.Once I started talking to other women they too experienced some of the same things.If I had known then what I know now I would have stayed on the pill but thats just my 2 cents worth. Good Luck
   — Lisa F.

June 26, 2003
I didn't have my tubes tied, I had both ovaries reoved---due to multiple cysts. The first in '93 and the 2nd in 2000. I went through surgery quite well, using my anesthesia experience from these 2 surgeries to reassure myself that it wouldn't be a poblem with wls. I did weigh less then my recent pre-op weight but I was still quite obese.
   — Fixnmyself

June 26, 2003
While the doc did a laproscopy on me and a d and c, whe went ahead and tied my tubes. NO big deal. Just make sure its what you want cuz its pernanet. I always regretted it.
   — Donna W.

June 26, 2003
If you're sure it's something you want to do, and your doctor approves, it might be a good idea. I was on the pill pre-op and post-op, but post-op I just didn't trust that it was working. I'm very regular but I could never get my cycle right again, I always started my period towards the end of my active pills, which made me worry that it wasn't really working due to malabsorption. Tried a sample of the patch, same problem - the patch isn't recommended for people over 198 pounds, it has a higher failure rate at that weight. My doctor put me on a higher dosage pill and that has done the trick but I really would prefer to go on the patch or a lower dosage pill if at all possible. As soon as I hit 198, I plan to try again!
   — sandsonik

June 26, 2003
I didnt have mine done prior to surgery; had it done after wls. BUT I would say; if you are sure you want them tied get then tied the same TIME as your WLS. My surgeon will do tubals at the same time; in fact, mine removed an ovarian cyst I didnt even know I had....
   — star .

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