Has anyone got LOW blood pressure since surgery?

Before surgery I had normal blood pressure of 120/80, now after loosing close to 100#, its 90/60. Should I be worried?    — Debbie W. (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 23, 2003
Don't worry. I just turned one year post op. Lost 145lbs. My blood pressure is the same. The doctor says it is nothing to worry about. He asked me if I was dizzy or light headed and I am not so he was not worried. All of my bloodwork came back fine.
   — Joani M.

June 23, 2003
I was the same way - now down 181#, I get lightheaded when I stand up too quick. If I combine it with not eating for awhile - as I did several months ago when my daughter was in the ER for the night (she's fine) - it's a prime condition for fainting (which I did that night). You should be fine. Just be careful...JR
   — John Rushton

June 23, 2003
Thanks for asking this question. I am going through the same thing. My blood pressure has been ranging in the same area. I was concerned but also not tired or weak and when I checked out sites for blood pressure all they talked about was hypertension. I am very glad to see that I am not alone in this. I am going on 10 months since surgery and have lost over 110 pounds. It is my understanding that the weight loss contributes to the lowered blood pressure.
   — Rhonda V.

June 23, 2003
As a FORMER high blood pressure patient, mine is now in the same range as yours. I'm off my high bp medication and sometimes get light-headed if I stand up too quickly. My doc says my body'll catch up to my lower bp. This after a 75 pound loss. I'll take the lower bp over the high (needing medication) any day. Hang in there!
   — Lisa S.

June 23, 2003
Unless you are lightheaded with a B/P of 90/60, that is fine and normal for you. I am off 2 B/P meds since having surgery. Usually, if I get a little lightheaded, it's because I haven't had enough water.
   — koogy

June 23, 2003
I was high on pills. I bottomed under your numbers and was dizzy a lot and felt faint. My PCP said not to worry it takes time for our bodies to adjust. Mine now ruins around 110 over 70. It crept back up to normal over time. Check with your PCP but dont worry. Stand up SLOW and get in your water & vitamins. Dehydration can cause the symptoms or make it worse.
   — bob-haller

June 24, 2003
Check ALL of your meds. I was taking a med for a neurological condition and, as it turns out, it was also used to lower blood pressure in some patients. Since I'd lost so much weight, the dosage was way too high and my BP bottomed out at 82/47. I was passing out for 2 weeks before we figured it out. Not good! Call your pharmacist if in doubt. Could also be that some of your meds are reacting to others. Worth checking into. I know that was the worst 2 weeks I'd ever spent. I felt miserable. No energy and afraid to move too fast for fear I'd end up on the floor. Good luck!
   — Katy B.

June 24, 2003
Your dang tootin I do! lol I never had low blood pressure before. Never took meds for high blood pressure ether. But it was usually around 139/90-110 before surgery. Now often it is something like this 80/40, 90/56 and so on... lOWWWW. Probally why I have so dang much trouble in keeping from passing out when I stand up. Not fun at all.
   — Danmark

June 24, 2003
It was strange to come across this topic today bieng that I for the first time since I was 12 experienced a syncopol episode today while at a class. I knew that since my surgery a year ago my BP ran significantlly lower that it did. Before surgery I was always 128-134 systolic but for the last several months it is low 100's. Even 30 min. after I passed out my BP still was only 100/72. I think it has alot to do with the weightloss bringing my BP down and now bieng more sensitive to any change in BP with it already bieng lower. As long as your not symptomatic with your BP than your fine.
   — Rebecca B.

June 24, 2003
Thanks everyone, I feel much better now. And you explained a lot about why I get light headed when I stand too. Sometimes I even see black and have to stop or I will fall down.... I will let my MD know in Sept when I go back.. Thanks again.
   — Debbie W.

July 16, 2003
Hi everyone...this is the reason I love this site! I have been seriously freaked because all that good energy I got after the surgery has been gone. I feel crappy at the best of times. I drink a pot of coffee in the morning just to get enough energy to move around a bit and then another pot in the afternoon and yet...I still feel like I just can't get my mojo going. I went and had blood work on Monday but it all came back normal. I was so upset I started to cry (because I was sure the answer would lie there and now I was thinking it must all be in my head) and since I had a history of higher blood pressure (140/90) the nurse took it. Now symptomatic at 92/58..sometimes short of breath, always worn out but not sleepy or tired. I thought I had depression that I didn't even know about...I am elated but pale and worn out. I am almost 5 months post and went from 238lbs to 158lbs. Well my PCP has advised me to start taking pseudophed 3 times a day and drink more coffee (yeah right). I will try it and write back. I love you all so much... Laurie
   — Laurie L.

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