Marathon or Half Marathon Anyone?

I am a post-op who is doing great, and has always been interested in running. My goal is to do a marathon next year. I am interested in Disney and Marine Corps in particularl. With some other races sprinkled in between. Anyone else done a marathon post-op, or interested in doing so? Or any other races for that matter (5k, 10k, etc) I am looking to do something with Team in Training possibly. Although I will be significantly smaller in weight and inches, and farther out, I am concerned about staying hydrated and getting in enough nutrition during such a long trek. I am looking to walk a marathon or do a walk/run combo.    — Caprina P. (posted on May 14, 2003)

May 14, 2003
Wow, you guys are studly!! Marathons!! I am just looking to run a 10K someday, and then **maybe**, the Army 10-miler race here in D.C. in the Fall. (This is shameful -- as the daughter of a former Marine, I should be doing the Marathon, not the 10-miler, but 26 miles is wayyyy beyond me!). You GO, and good luck! If you guys come to D.C. for the Marine Corps Marathon, part of which usually winds through my neighborhood, I'll be happy to cheer you on. :~D
   — Suzy C.

May 14, 2003
While considering WLS, I wanted to know what the limits were for post ops, so I actually researched this. I found and talked to about 4 people that have actually run marathons post-op. In my Docs support group, we actually have a person in training for a Triathalon (WOW!). I have not heard of a post-op in the Eco-Challenge... yet :).
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 14, 2003
I will probably try to do a breast cancer 5k this year, along with just training and getting in better shape, but doing a Marathon will be my WLS/lifestyle change present to myself. I am glad to hear of others who have completed the challenge!
   — Caprina P.

May 14, 2003
Hi! Well, I am currently in training for the Chicago Marathon which takes place on October 12 of this year. I'm currently 8 months post op and down 140 pounds. I've never felt better in my life! This marathon training has really helped me to re-evaluate how I'm using my workout time as well. So far, I'm up to 6 miles and have been able run/walk them quite comfortably. I do each mile in approx. 12 mins. And I never thought that would be possible!! I'm also planning on doing a half-marathon later in the summer and a couple 5 and 10K's passed around for the racing expirence. I say good for you!!! As far as staying hydrated...don't worry! I drink as normally as any of the other runners out there. And for nutrition...what you mainly need to be concerned about in a marathon is replacing the salt that your sweating out and replacing carbs for some energy. My nutritionist recommended bringing simply crackers with me as I go on my long runs and snack on them. So far they are working great!!! Good luck to you and please feel free to email me to keep me posted on your progress. Congratulations again!!! HUGS (email: [email protected])
   — Christie N.

May 15, 2003
Hi. I am currently running 5-7 miles a day 4x a week. I compete in 5 mile and 5k (3.2 miles) races 2-3 times a month. I would love to do a half marathon in the summer and I think I am going to try it. Then wayyyy down the road maybe a full marathon. I just had a (non-WLS) friend do a marathon and she was so proud of herself, as was I. It really gave me a lot of motivation. I say go for it!!!!
   — M P.

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