Non-Alcoholic Beer for Post-Op? Is it OK to have?

Anybody have any advice on Non-Alcoholic Beer? Is it safe to drink? I know it has a few less calories and carbs than regular light beer. But does anyone know if there is any potential danger for using this as a substitute? Any advice would be appreciated.    — Brian S. (posted on May 10, 2003)

May 10, 2003
Hi there Brian. I believe any beer is going to be carbonated. And it will still have empty calories and carbs. My Doc advised me to stay away from carbonation. Follow the advise of your surgeon. And if he says it is ok...them bottoms up!
   — Missy W.

May 10, 2003
Brian- like the previous poster said, its still empty calories and carbonation- but we all have out treats here and there, right? Personally, I'd opt for the real beer if I were to drink carbonation and waste some cals., alcohol isn't a complete no-no as long as it's in moderation. You drink a beer a day- BAD. You drink a beer once a month or few times a year- not so bad. So, ask your doc and do what you feel is right. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 10, 2003
For some reason the fake beers cause extreme gas - for ME! I agree with both the other posters though otherwise :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 10, 2003
I am 10 months post op and prior to the surgery I was known to enjoy my beer.Since the surgery I tried a beer 3 months out the results were not real great.I could not tolerate the Co2 plus for some reason the taste left a lot to be desired.On the other hand I was at my Dads about a month ago and had a BloodyMary about 2ozs worth WOW was glad I was not going any where.
   — Norman F.

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