Will callipers acurately measure my body fat percentage?

I asked my gym if I could get my body fat percentage measured and they said I have to make an appointment and have it done using callipers. I'm not really sure what these are, but I am 1 year post-op, have lost over 160 pounds, and have been working out 3-4 times a week for the past 6 or so months. I obviously have extra skin so will that affect the readings?    — R. P. (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
hi Rhea! My trainer says thta my hanging skin DOES affect the measurement- but assured me thta all bets are off after plastic surgery anyway, so not to worry- she just wnated a baseline to judge the changes from. Be glad you know thta your fat content is probably LESS than the measurement shows, and go do your best at the gym was her advice, and I am passing it on with love! Blessings on your effots and Light on your path! Jo
   — jomu

May 9, 2003
I have heard that callipers are fairly accurate. I have about 15-20 pounds of extra skin. I weigh in at about 182, and I have 21.2% body fat. Go figure. My gym measures with sensors (similiar to EKG) and a computer. They enter specifics to you, and then the computer reads the sensors and gives you the information. I am going to have it done again in a month or so, as I am heading for a thigh and butt lift in a week. We will see if the amount changes after the weight loss and skin removal. We will see.
   — sheron H.

May 9, 2003
The most accurate way to measure body fat is to be "dipped". Never had this done, but as I understand it, it involves being submerged in a tank of water. If you have body jewelry, the metal will cause an inacurate reading, tho. I bought a hand-held body fat meter about a year ago and it is pretty consistent with both the $2000 Tanita scale my surgeon's office uses and the $110 Tanita scale I just bought. There are too many things that can alter your body fat reading, tho, such as water retention, which will read as lean mass. I'm just happy with a "ball-park" estimate. Just gotta figure out what to do with that hand held fat meter, tho. lol. Hope this helps.
   — cherryswitch

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