When does hair loss typically stop?

I'm 5 months out, and it started just around the 4 month mark. When will this be over??? Thanks alot!    — jengrz (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 29, 2003
Jennifer, I am 7 months out today -95 pounds, and the hair loss is starting to slow down. Don't worry too much, it has been a pain, but no one but me and my family (who keep finding hair in their food)can tell!
   — Lesa H.

April 29, 2003
Jennifer, I wish that I had an answer! I am almost 10 months post op and I still am loosing my hair! Not quite the handfuls that it was around 4-5 month post op, but still quite a bit. I will be interested to see what the other answers are...Best wishes in your process.
   — Heather N.

April 30, 2003
I am 14 months out and still losing hair. My hair loss didn't start until about 8 months out and it has continued all this time. I've cut my hair shorter, to manage the gaps that I see (but others swear they don't notice it). But at the same time, I have a ton of whispy, inch-long hairs all over my head, which tells me it's growing back - but boy it makes for a lot of stray hair and the need for "creative styling"! haha I know it will eventually get back to normal, so I'm just waiting it out!
   — Mary W.

April 30, 2003
Mine started at 4 months and now at 8 has stopped.
   — Kristy J.

April 30, 2003
Jennifer, I am an electrologist and when I went to school one thing that we learned about hair is that it need protein and vitamin called BIOTIN, so consult your doctor and star taking the supplement. Good luck! Claudia
   — Claudia P.

April 30, 2003
Hey Jennifer!!! I'm 5 1/2 months out and my hair loss started about a week to two weeks before my 3 month mark. Within just the last couple of weeks, mine has finally slowed down (but not completely stopped). My hair loss is now just a touch heavier than the normal shedding that everyone does. Although, at the heaviest loss period, I would have to remove the hair from the drain after shampooing (so the shower would empty) before I could use my conditioner (and almost stop it up again)!!! Hope this helps... Hugs! Dena
   — Dena C.

April 30, 2003
For most it starts at around 3 months post-op and continues for 3 months, tapering off around 6-7 months. I was right on schedule but as you can see from other posters, some are on different schedules! From what I have learned in support groups and over time, nothing will stop the loss until its good and ready to stop and no one goes bald!
   — Cindy R.

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