Yoga, anyone?

I am nearly 4 months post op. I had my first yoga class (ever) last night. Ouch! I plan on going two times a week. Anyone else practice yoga post-op? I want my old mind to get in tune with my new body (down 103 pounds). I didn't realize yoga could be so strenuous. I am going to stick with it, I would imagine my new body won't hurt after a while. Someone say its so! Thanks.    — Smitty B. (posted on April 19, 2003)

April 19, 2003
Hi! Yeah, yoga is great! It makes your muscles leaner and thinner looking. And it makes you more flexible. I was sore after the first couple of weeks but after that, I actually noticed that I felt more relaxed and limber. good luck!
   — Brittany C.

April 20, 2003
I am 2 yrs 4 mos. post op (RNY open). I started Kundalini Yoga in January and love it. Kundalini is lots of stretching and deep breathing. I feel sore only occassionally, but it's a good sore if you know what I mean. There are a gazillion types of yoga. You were sore if you haven't exercised in quite a while. Good luck...Yoga is fantastic for the body, mind, and soul.
   — Betty Todd

April 20, 2003
hiya! i've been practicing yoga for about 6 months now and LOVE it! i usually take a sunday class and it helps me get relaxed and rejuventated- ready for the upcoming week. i also do weight lifting so the yoga helps me keep my muscles nice and loose. {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

April 21, 2003
I LOVE MY YOGA CLASSES!! I started about a year ago because I wanted to get in touch with parts of my body long ago emotionally dismembered. Also, I read that yoga is the only form of exercise that Madonna I gound a high energy yoga class with an incredible teacher (62 year old woman who weighs about 165 pounds---a true Dali Momma). Anyway, we hold asanas (the postures of yoga) for strength and move in them for flexability. I took three months off while I had my reconstructive surgeries, but I have recently increased to two classes per week and graduated to level II. Our class has people of ALL shapes and sizes. I personally hate to sweat and get out of breath. With yoga, however, my circulation is increased as I activate muscles and with the combined breathing exercises, I have improved my lung capacity and stamina. I have added yoga to my bike riding and walking, so I feel very well rounded in the exercise department. By the way, last Monday, for the first time in 15 years, I rode a two wheeled bike!!! I had bought an adult three wheeler to ride during my weight loss because I was afraid of falling. But, when I hit 225, I promised myself I would ride a two wheeler...I did and went almost 5 miles!!! I can't begin to tell y'all the joy and freedom I have in being able to move my body again. At 500 pounds, all of this was beyond my realm. Praise be to the Almighty Universal Source of all things good for the gift of weight loss surgery!!!
   — merri B.

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