Ok post op pro's, Every 3 months or so...............

I get either lazy, or cocky and fail to chew,chew,chew. Of couse It gets stuck for a while and passes. Sometimes the stoma gets nicked by some sharp edged food particle you get that " please kill me feeling" for hours. My question is does anyone have suggestions besides vomiting ( mostly unsuccessful) or I heard meat tenderizer works.And if the pain comes from the stoma getting scraped, can anything be done? keeping in mind that chewing is the best medicine. Thanks guys.    — Bill P. (posted on April 9, 2003)

April 9, 2003

   — beeda

April 9, 2003
I find that papaya enzymes help me when I've eaten too much or swallowed too big a piece of something. As a result, I've only vomited once in 12 weeks. You can get these pills at the health food stores.
   — Beth S.

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