Was anyone able to eat seafood such as shrimp or scallops when we go on soft diet?
Hey everyone-- I am a 5 1/2 week post op who about to come off the dreaded pureed diet and advance to soft foods. I am having a "mild" craving for seafood such as shrimp and scallops. Mind you, I do NOT have much of an appetite anyway !!!! My nutritionist recommended not eating seafood because it doesn't "chew well" & might get stuck in my pouch. Do you all have any experiences with seafood? Thanks in advance !!!! — Kewpidoll (posted on April 9, 2003)
April 9, 2003
I was on the soft diet for only 2 weeks, the only foods that I had to wait
6 weeks for was beef and pork. My first seafood meal was salt roasted
shrimp (best meal that I have ever eaten - 3 shrimp = 1 ounce!) and I ate
it 10 days after my surgery. I would suggest that you stay away from fried
foods in the beginning but I know that I had no problems with either
chicken or fish.
— Etta M.
April 9, 2003
Yes, seafood was a huge part of my soft diet. I had cooked and boiled
shrimp (chew well), tuna fish salad, crab-plain and crab salad, lobster,
steamed white fish and crab cakes. I love all seafood and found it very
easy to eat-this was at about 4-5 weeks post-op.
— Cindy R.
April 9, 2003
I had no problems keeping down seafood at that early stage. I will say that
while I still enjoy scallops and some fish, I no longer eat shrimp. I have
to chew my food very thoroughly now, and I can't get past the texture of
shrimp. You may be different, all I'm saying is just buy a very small
amount until you find out if you still enjoy eating it. :)
— Jenny S.
April 9, 2003
I'm with Cindy...I love seafood and eat it a lot. Even when I am eating
at home, I eat a lot of the imitation crabmeat (Make sure that you get a
brand low in carbs. Some of them are higher in carbs). Eating out, I
like shrimp (either a shrimp cocktail or fried shrimp with the coating
taken off) or crab (crab cakes, crab imperial) or even lobster (when I can
afford it *G*). Tuna fish is good to, but I've gotta make it myself with
no-fat or low-fat mayo because I dump on regular mayonnaise...JR
— John Rushton
April 9, 2003
I am 5 weeks post op down 25lbs and eat mostly crab, shrimp, scallops,
halibut, salmon, talipia and lobster. It's getting expensive but these are
the foods that really go down well and stay down. I feel so good after
eating fish/shellfish that I have a hard time trying something new. I can
eat only 3 jumbo shrimp for a meal so I order a cocktail and save 1/2 for
the next meal. Good luck and best wishes!!
— Liz B.
April 10, 2003
Hi, well I am 8 weeks post op and cannot eat much in the way of meat. I am
practically a vegetarian now. When
I was 5 weeks post I was eating cocktail shrimp, which I love, and getting
very nauseous. So I quit, much to my dismay. I just don't think I can
chew it enough to be truly mushy. Fish is now the only meat I can eat
well. I have thought about trying some broiled scallops, but am wary, so I
haven't yet. Just be very careful and don't get lax. Good luck.
— RedHeadBeauty
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