can we use fructose as a sweetner?

   — sherry D. (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
Sherry - Fructose is sugar refined from fruit, and is equalivalent to using sucrose. I wouldn't use it. You can use Splenda, or an all natural sweetner like Stevia, which you can find in your health food store. Good luck. Robin
   — rebalspirit

April 8, 2003
I dump on even a tiny amount of fructose.
   — Amber L.

April 8, 2003
What we can eat and what we ought to eat are two different things. Fructose is sugar, pure and simple. Some people will dump on it; some won't. It still is not a good dietary choice for WLS people who are trying to achieve goal weight---no sugar is a good choice for that.
   — phoebe

April 8, 2003
I know of many naturally thin people who eat sugar all the time. While I wouldn't advocate a diet high in sucrose, fructose or any other sugar, I think you can probably use a small (and I do mean small) amount without it hampering your weight loss. I know that, for me, deprivation leads to my wanting something way more than if I just give myself permission to have a small amount of something I'm wanting.
   — garw

April 9, 2003
Sugar by any other name is still sugar. I write a newsletter for our support group. I listed names sugar can be disguised as. Please ssee our E-newsletter at I hope it helps. Melanie in OKC
   — Melanie H.

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