Does anyone know if there is a WLS magazine out there written by proffessionals?

   — Pizofret (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 20, 2003
Judging by the varied and conflicting opinions we get from our surgeons/nutritionists I can't help but wonder how a magazine would handle such discrepancies. Maybe they would have to settle for ranges (no carbs to 100 carbs a day) or discussions of controversies (citrate vs carbonate vs Tums), etc. Not an enviable editorship position! Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 20, 2003
This is a monthly 'paper'. It covers RNY and DS and other WLS> WEB PAGES - ABOUT BeyondChange The website for Beyond Change, a newspaper regarding obesity treatment (medical and surgical). Covering areas such as research, dietary, psychological, exercise and insurance coverage. ... are no boundaries to this learning process. As Beyond Change advances into its third year we have become more aware ...
   — star .

March 20, 2003
There is a nationwide one coming out in June that is interactive between patients and surgeons. I received a survey about it a couple of weeks ago and emailed the company to ask more about it. The web address that did the survey has an updated message and a place to order a free copy of the first issue. Go to
   — Lynn S.

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