Old Habits Die Hard, How do I Kill Them For Good?

Any post-ops out there who continue to do things they did when they were obese when they don't have to now that the weight is gone? For example, in the mornings I put my pants on, leave them unbuttoned and unzipped so I can sit down and put my socks and shoes on. I had to do that when I was obese. I don't need to do that now - but I still do. Also, I tend to "suck" in my stomach when I'm walking down a small aisle or something so I won't bump into anything - even though most of my stomach is gone! Old habits are hard to break.    — Smitty B. (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 18, 2003
I'm in the same boat! I'm 4 months out, 205/148/120, and still haven't bought new clothes! They're hanging off of me - but I still feel obese! I guess we'll always have a little of that in us!
   — jengrz

March 22, 2003
Body image is so hard to change. I am 6 mo out and down 78#, I want to loose 42 more. I am surprised when I fit into my clothes.
   — **willow**

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