68 Days To Surgery, What Should I be doing to Prepare?

What can I do to prepare my mind and body for surgery?    — lalulan (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 18, 2003
start drinking lots of water..and give up caffiene (you don't want to be dealing with a caffeine addiction while you are trying to heal from surgery)...look thru ALL the before and after pictures, 2 or 3 times, read every question, look thru the memorial page, start exercizing...start imagining what it is going to be like when you go bungee jumping.. That should help =)
   — thekatinthehat

March 18, 2003
I agree with the previous poster about reading the memorial page, but do it now. I don't think anyone should read that within 30 days of their surgery, when they're already starting to get nervous and apprehensive. If you plan on using protein supplements, now is the time to order some samples. Don't try them now, but order some so you'll have them on hand when you are able to start using them post-op. I'm sure you've already read that things you like now may not taste good to you post-op, which is why I'm saying to just order them and not try them. It's also a good idea to start walking. Even if you can only walk for 5 minutes at a time, do it. You'll probably be able to increase that amount of time as you go along. It's a good habit to start developing as soon as you can. If you smoke, quit and don't wait to do that. Weaning yourself off caffeine is also a very good idea. Caffeine withdrawal headaches are not fun. You have time to gradually reduce the amount you use. If you're into it, get some relaxation tapes and listen to them. That can help calm the pre-op jitters also. Go 'shopping' for thin clothes. You don't have to buy anything, but it's fun to look in the stores or even in catalogs or the internet and pick out the kinds of things you'll be able to wear. Above all, relax. Thousands of people have had this surgery and have been happy they did. I'll bet you will be too.
   — garw

March 18, 2003
pre op i had been scoped, scanned, you know the million dollar work up.. then like you i had to wait.... it might be nice to pick up some pj's for the hospital. i was gastric by pass and spent 4 days in pt, having some new things felt good. you know the old look good feel good idea...the wait also gave me time to get my spirited self in order. whatever your faith you might want to spend time with your clergy. i did and i found it to be a huge comfort. good luck with your surgery. oh and make sure you pack some chap stick!! post op my lips were so dry and fluid intake was limited.
   — nan K.

March 18, 2003
Buy a book like barb thompsons, she is a member here and wrote a book about her journey. It explains the RNY in detail and is a great reference. See my profile at the bottom for more info on her book. Get out and walk daily, healthier pre op is a healthier post op. If you smoke QUIT NOW, not only does it make breathing harder but smoikers get more leaks according toi our surgeon. Now have some last suppers but be happy,WLS and the great loss was the most fun I ever had in my entire life.
   — bob-haller

March 18, 2003
One very important thing is to have a good "Before" picture made. You can go to Walmart or to a mall photo shop; it doesn't have to cost alot. But you have probably been hiding from cameras for years! So go get the pic made. A year from now you will be sooooo glad you did! hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 18, 2003
When I saw Ann's post, I realized there's one more important thing. Take your measurements. I had thought I would just do them when I got home after my surgery. Well, by the time I actually got home to stay and was feeling well enough to do something like that, I had already lost 80 pounds. I really wish I had done them pre-op. The only reason I know what I weighed at the time of the surgery is that I was weighed in the hospital about 2 days post-op. Neither my scale nor any of my doctors' scales went high enough for me. Not a problem now, though!
   — garw

March 18, 2003
You can start taking protein supplement now to make your tissue easier to work with and expedite healing. Are you already taking a normal dose of multi vite (something like Centrum)? Vite C? See where your iron levels are NOW, and if they're kinda saggy (and many of us are), you can build that up pre-op. The object is that you want the MAIN event to be your good health as you recover. Anything you do NOW to make you healthier in general will stand you in good stead on the table and when you get up again.
   — vitalady

March 21, 2003
Start an exercise program, It will help you recover faster with less complications, and make you stronger when you are getting up ambulating after surgery.
   — **willow**

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