HELP!! I'm 2 weeks pre-op and feel like a whale

I'm having the surgery on March 14,2003.I have not been careful AT ALL about what I'm eating. I know I've gained weight. I feel SO fat. I hate to go out in public.Did anyone else feel this way pre-op?    — Debbie W. (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 26, 2003
I understand totally how you feel as I feel the same way but mostly due to the fact that my biggest clothes are just too tight and do not look right and I refuse to buy anything new until I lose. I will keep you in my prayers and when we are on the losing side then I am sure we will both feel better. My surgery is April 3rd.
   — thesaurkratkid

February 26, 2003
And I thought I was the only one who was feeling this way! I am 22 days pre-op and my clothes seem to be getting tighter. I am feeling really nervous and stressed about my surgery lately and I think that has a bit to do with it. I just keep trying to tell myself that in 6 months I won't be feeling this way anymore - and that this great tool is going to help me like you wouldn't believe!! My thoughts and prayers will be with you on the 14th!
   — anitanbug

February 26, 2003
Completely understand. My surgery is April 3, 2003 and since I've found out my surgery date, I've been eating like crazy. Plus my joints hurt more than ever. There are some days I just don't feel like doing anything cause I hurt and I know the hurting is weight related. Just have patience. You have 2 weeks to go. It's probably going really slow right now, but before you know it, the big day will be here. Now if I can only convince myself that. LOL!
   — TLLessor

February 26, 2003
Probably most of us did. The stress/anticipation/fear of the upcoming surgery and the fear of the unknown life post-op caused me to go into a last supper syndrome for a good month before surgery and I know that I must have gained at least 10 pounds-the last 10 that I am trying to get off now! I, too, was embarrassed to go out in public, be seen with my body builder husband, and would agonize over which outfit to wear that made me look less fat-as if! All that will change for you in just a short period of time. In just a year, I have gone from no self-esteem or confidence to tons of it, from a size 22/24 to a size 10-12, from agonizing over what to wear because I was too fat, to agonizing over what to wear because the choices are now endless and they all look good on me!! No modesty here...LOL. I wish though that someone had told me pre-op that all those foods i was stuffing myself with out of fear that I would never be able to eat them again, was just not true. There is very little I cannot eat now, if I choose to eat it. Might have saved me gained the last 5 or so! Good luck!
   — Cindy R.

February 26, 2003
   — Debbie W.

February 26, 2003
Well, we are in the same boat. I have been enjoying everything since I learned of my date last week. But my Dr. only gave me a week and a half to stuff!! My date is March 4th! I've slowed my roll...and am now trying to lose a few before the big day. Good Luck to you! Blessings.
   — Angela M.

February 26, 2003
Debbie, my surgeon required us to lose 10% of our weight before surgery. Everyone complains about it. But down the road, we all appreciate it. Not only does it shrink the fatty liver, which can be a problem, but it makes us healthier to go through surgery and there are fewer complications. I lost 30 pounds before surgery and now, almost 3 months out, I'm down 65 pounds. And I'm a very slow loser. As a previous poster said, the weight you gain will just have to come off after surgery. And I believe that eventually we'll all be able to eat what we want, in smaller quantities, Best of luck to you as you have your surgery and soon we'll welcome you to the "other side"! Michele
   — Michele C.

February 26, 2003
I feel the same way and I am pre-op with the same BMI, I am close to being agorophobic at times. I feel like a whale too....can't wait to be on the other side of this.
   — Sarah S.

February 26, 2003
hi there :) i know how you feel, pre op i really dreading going out in public and felt like a whale also, now post op, i feel like a beautiful mermaid or an angel fish!! hehehe ;) you will too! give it time and best of luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

February 26, 2003
Right there with you all. I don't have a date yet, but I know it's right around the corner. I just met with the surgeon last week, so I'm working on losing my 10-15 lbs before 3/11, so no more pigging out for me. I have found,that this is a perfect time to "put the fork down" and use that energy to start excersing, meditiate, read a book, take a bath, etc... I'm also using this time to focus on what I want to do post op, making lists, writing in my journal, rearrianging my closets, drawers, etc... We all have to learn to deal with stress and emotions without turning to food. Good luck to you all..aims
   — chickiewickie

February 26, 2003
I totally get what you're saying! My theory is this; for years before I got my date (march 24!), I was fat (duh). Anyways, just to make it through the past 7 or 10 years I had to really work to convince myself that I was "ok". I had myself tricked that I was happy. To come to this drastic of a decision, I had to really come to grips with how big I actually am, and the effect that my weight has on me. So while being all self aware and all is kinda good, it also kinda really sucks just because I FEEL fatter than I EVER have. I don't want to go out, I don't want to hang with my friends, I go to school, and come on here, and try to maintain some relationship with my close friends and family. Luckily; there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that I can use this tool that will be given to me, and turn this whole life around! I know this isn't going to solve all my problems, but at least I'll know I'm on the way. Good luck all!!!
   — Eryn G.

February 26, 2003
All I am going to say is AMEN Sister! I am praying that I will stop soon. That means more to lose! I want to stop! I'm tryin' really hard to stop! I think I'm going to stop!
   — April N.

February 27, 2003
I can relate. My consultation was january 8th. I have gained 20 pounds(okay 23 pounds). However, I did quit smoking on january 13th, I am very thankful my surgery is march 11th.When the scheduler called I was like thank goodness, I was beginning to think I would need the surgery just to get to pre-op weight.LOL.Tonya
   — Tonya M.

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