I just had my gallbladder removed, What is the next step for me?

I am 10 months post op and had an emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder, while I was in the hospital I gained 16lb but the DR says it is because of the fluid, I weighed 130 before I had my gallbladder removed and currently weighing at 146, will I lose this or is this gonna hang around for a while? Another question I have is that I have never had any surgery where something was removed and I was very proud to say that I had all my body parts and organs that God gave me, can someone tell me how important was my gallbladder to my body and will I function just fine without it or will I have problems in the future?    — Lovett (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
I know what you mean. I was always proud that I'd never had my tonsils out (which for someone my age is unusual, since they used to remove them pretty routinely), hadn't had any problems with my appendix, etc. However, the gallbladder attack (and attack is absolutely the right word) had me wanting to beg the surgeon to take it out. I had to wait 5 days from the first and only attack until we could get surgery scheduled. This was a couple years before my WLS, but I know that it's pretty common for people to have gallbladder problems post op. You will do just fine without it.
   — garw

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