Anyone have words of encouragement...

I'm usually giving advice, but right now I need some. I WAS on the Atkins diet and doing fairly well, however I fell off, and have gained not only the 16 pounds I lost, but 11 more bringing me to 401 pounds. I have never been this big in my life. Today I went to get some walking sweats, and realized I went up a size. This could hurt my chances for getting my surgery, because the doctor specifically told me NOT to gain any weight, AND I volunteered to lose some. After I didn't get my approval last year I started eating normally, and now I can't stop. I'm just looking for words of encouragement.. any would be helpful. Thanks in advance!    — Laydie K. (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
Hi, Laydie! I can sure relate. I can't tell you how many diets I've started, with the best of intentions, only to find myself not doing it, and regaining the weight plus more. Personally, I don't feel it's right for these docs to make you lose weight first. If we could lose it, we wouldn't need WLS, right? But, if you feel you must do it, I guess you should at least try to get the 11 extra pounds off. I tried Atkins last year, and stayed with it for about a month. Can't tell you why I went off it, other than I just got tired of the low carb routine. If I had stayed with the "healthy" carbs, instead of going back to sugary stuff, I might have been able to stick it out. Why don't you give it another try? Rid your house of carbs, and get all the stuff you need for the induction phase, and see what happens. Good luck, and let us know how it's going. We've all been there, many more times than we would like to count.
   — Carlita

February 1, 2003
Before I had approval with my insurance company, I couldn't seem to get on track with food. Afterall, THAT was my coping mechanism for stress. After I got approval and my surgery date, it was STILL hard to eat right because I was excited. And, I also eat when I'm excited. That being said, my surgeon explained that he would not perform the surgery if I gained any weight. A couple reasons: He did not want me to have "fatty liver" which could really increase chances of complications during surgery. Sometimes the liver is so big from overeating, they cannot actually perform the surgery and have to close you back up, he also wanted to know what my commitment was to this change BEFORE I went through with it. I really didn't feel any hope that I'd be able to do it. Then he explained something else. He drew a bunch of hills and valleys on a piece of paper and said "this has been your life so far". Losing, gaining, losing, gaining more . . . etc. He said what I want to do by having you lose weight before surgery is to get you on one of those down hill climbs and insert this tool while you are down so that you will never be able to go back "up" again. Sort of nipping it in the bud. I understood this. I didn't diet before surgery, but I did think twice about what I was putting in my mouth and did not have those trigger foods in the house. I ended up losing 8 pounds. I was just relieved I hadn't gained any. Keep those trouble foods out. Be honest with yourself at the grocery store. It will help you so much in the long run. Good luck on your journey. Kim (RNY 12-12-02 304/265)
   — Kim B

February 1, 2003
Keep on trying. Give it your best effort. I gained 30 lbs before my surgery. My surgeon was NOT happy but did the surgery anyway. Good LUX
   — Robert L.

February 2, 2003
Don't get too down on yourself. We are all in the same boat. You have to be dedicated to having this procedure, and try your best to follow the rules. It will be hard, but think about the results! Your doctor wants to see if you are mentally prepared to give up certain foods. When you are post op, these foods will hurt your body. You have to be mentally ready to give these things up. Get yourself pumped, pick a day this week, and start your mental challenge. You are the only one who has this control. Take control and win!
   — wiggie34

February 2, 2003
I appreciate all of your responses. I have went back on Atkins, and so far i'm okay. I just have learned to cook ahead of time before I get hungry, that way when it's time to eat, I wont reach for the first carbohydrate I Thanks a lot.
   — Laydie K.

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