Is it possible to suggest if I want to have staples, sutures, or surgical glue?

   — gyneasmith (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
I had an open RNY, about a 6 inch incision, and my doctor used surgical glue. I am 3 weeks from my surgery and the scar is already a small thin pink line. Everyone heals at a different rate, and I have read several posts of people who tend to have their scars keloid on them. I think that unless you have had surgery before and know how well your wounds heal it would be impossible to know how you will do. As for caring for the scar, your body is pretty good at handling that for you...I have heard of some using Maderma, vitamin e oils, and other first aid creams to help, but my guess is that the majority of how your scar will look is going to be up to your surgeon and your bodies own healing process. Good luck with your choice.
   — Steve V.

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