is one year post op too soon to start trying for a baby...

I am only 10 weeks post op.. but i have to plan out a pregnancy as i have an iud and i take meds that i would have to quit... so.. is anyone out there had a baby..when did ya start trying.. any info would be helpful in our planning..thanks..*huggles and bb*    — johanna F. (posted on January 23, 2003)

January 23, 2003
Hi, There is an OSSG-PREGNANCY group on Yahoo. Go to, choose groups then search for ossg pregnancy. This is a group devoted to post WLS pregnancy.
   — garw

January 23, 2003
I'm sure every surgeon is different but mine absolutely stresses that you do not get pregnant until you are 18 months out. Hope this helps.
   — Bethy413

January 23, 2003
my surgeon says you need to wait one year before becoming pregnant.-- kelly
   — Kelly T.

January 24, 2003
I was told to wait 2 years to insure that the body is stabilized. Funny thing is, I'm not planning to get pregnant but doc's office covers all the bases! I would think 18 months would be a minimum, since that is considered our "honeymoon phase." Either way, Best Wishes to you on your future pregnancy :) - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -106lbs.
   — Anna L.

January 24, 2003
On your next visit, ask your surgeon...they are all different. Mine says to wait 1 year after you have reached your goal weight. This means probably means 2 years.
   — Sharon H.

January 25, 2003
I was also told that as you lose weight you want to get the iud refitted as they can let sperm thru - eep!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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