Has anyone had Bluegrass Family Health pay for wls without 6mo documented dieting

My daughter's BMI is 58 (she is 20 yrs.) Several comorbidities(signifocantfamily history for heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, high cholestorol, morbid obesity, arhtritis). She has a medical condition that makes it difficult to stick with a diet 6mo.(can be verified by her psychiatrist) I just hoping her high BMI at such a young age, and her comorbidities will be enough to get approval. Also, has anyone in Ky. had Medicaid or Voc-Rehab pay for surgery(She has a voc-rehab worker and medicaid). Any information will so helpful.    — LaDonna S. (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 4, 2003
If you go to the insurance pages here at obesityhelp and look at Kentucky - the lower half of this page ( ) lists people who've gotten the surgery paid for by medicaid. Generally it seems that you must have a letter of medical necessity, be at least 100 pounds over-weight and have "some" comorbids. Approval doesn't seem to take too awfully long either.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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