Post Op Pain 12 Months Out.. Advice Needed
I am almost 12 months out from my RNY. My pain started last night. It is almost right behind my belly button and goes from side to side. It is a dull constant pain and when I move too much , bend over, it is horrible cramping. Pushing on this area is painful Eating makes it worse, but I keep down what I eat and do not have the urge to throw it up. I am getting my water in. I do not have my gall bladder so it is not that. I did call the BTC but the doc on call did not want to diagnose me over the phone and seeing that I am 2 1/2 hours away he told me to call my regular doc in the morning. Feel like I am left high and dry. My question is does this sound like a stricture or what ? Are hernia's this painful. I would just like to know what I may be up against. I have been to the library but I cannot find anything that compares to what I am feeling. Yes I will be at the doctors first thing in the morning. — domestic G. (posted on December 17, 2002)
December 17, 2002
Let's see. How can I put this delicately? You mentioned things are going
IN OK, but um, are they coming out ok, too? Some things you can report to
your doc tomorrow: does it get any better if you lie on your back? How
about your LEFT side, specifically? Can you push it in? If it is
smaller/less painful in the morning, be sure to mention that. Did you know
if you had a hernia? If it incarcerated, yes, it would hurt. Just a
regular run of the mill hernia can go either way. Some people experience
pain, some discomfort, some nothing at all. If the pain becomes
unbearable, please do not hesitate to go to your local ER TONIGHT, and have
them call BTC for specifics on your anatomy.
— vitalady
December 17, 2002
Kelly: Yes, hernias are terribly painful! It sent me to the ER pronto! I
ended up with a strangulated internal hernia (the deadliest and rarest
kind). Thank God it was caught in time -- I had 4-5 ft of necrotized
intestine removed and had my bowels resected. The pain was unbearable. I
had not had pain that bad before but I did experience extreme dizziness and
intestinal pain for brief periods but it went away. My surgeon believes
I've had this hernia fora while. I never threw up until the final attack.
Not to scare you --- but if you are in extreme pain -- get thee to the ER!
Contact your surgeon as an EMERGENCY basis. Internal hernias are nothing
to play with. They can require immediate, emergency, life-saving surgery!
I think they are a potential (although rare) complication of any abdominal
surgery. It could be something less extreme (and I hope it is), but it can
happen at any time! I was 22 months post-op and didn't experience any
complications or problems after my lap DS. Let us know what happens ---
All the best, (Teresa preop: 307 lbs/bmi 45 (5'10") now: 138
lbs/bmi 19.8)
— Teresa N.
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