I have a G-tube in my stomach and Im worried about it.
I have to keep my Gtube for a month after surgery because i had vomiting complications when i had surgery. Im just wondering how bad that it is going to hurt when it is taken out? What can I expect to happen when its taken out? I got myself worried sick over this so if someone could please help???? Email me @ [email protected] — Brittany D. (posted on December 4, 2002)
December 3, 2002
It's really not that bad. I have had two and both big deal.
I actually took out the second one. (at the docs office of course) Having
it in is more painful than removing it.
— RebeccaP
December 3, 2002
I agree with Rebecca... having the G-tube in hurts worse than when they
take it out. I felt soooo much better when I got mine out. When I had
mine taken out, he removed my stitches from my incision first. Then
snipped the stitches around my g-tube and just pulled it out. He had to
pull really hard but it didn't hurt. It just felt real weird. Don't
worry... you'll feel better with that thing gone and it will be a drop in
the bucket compared to what you've already been through.
— Tanya B.
December 4, 2002
I had many G tubes in and out thru my year and a half of complications. It
did not hurt me at all to have them taken out. Just felt uncomfortable.
First they take a syringe to the end of the G tube and they deflate the
balloon on the end of it. Then they slowly pull it out and it was not bad
at all. Now putting it in....they cut a hole and forced it in me while I
was awake and no sedation. They had to hold me back from hitting the
physician! Good luck and don't worry, it will be fine!:)
— Karla K.
December 5, 2002
The G tube.. that comes out your stomach, right? Mine was put in during
surgery and came out about 4 days later. They put more morphine right in
my IV, and she came to remove it about 20 mins later. It felt weird. I just
wanted to contract my stomach muscles as she pulled. And that is what
hurt, so I just had to tell myself to relax.
U will live through it!!! Its just the unknown that is scary. Beleive me, I
am THE worlds biggest baby, but while in the hospital, I let them poke me
without complaint because it was to help me... Good luck!
— Jennifer W.
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