I bought some Ketostix to test my urine...

...I am in the moderate zone. What does that mean? Too many crbs? Anyone else done this? Any suggestions? Thanks! :o)    — Debbie W. (posted on November 19, 2002)

November 19, 2002
Aloha!!! The urinalysis testing strips detect ketones in your urine. In essence, when you are burning fat, you have an abundance of ketones. If your stip indicates you are in the MODERATE range, that is good!! That means your body is burning fat!! Keep in mind that your body can still metabolize and burn fat without the presence of ketones so don't get upset if you don't see the purple or pink colors. It is just a guide to let you know if there are ketones present. Hope this helps!! Keep up the great work!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii)... Open RNY / 08-07-02 Down 92 Pounds!!!
   — KathieInHawaii

November 19, 2002
Hi! Just wondering, where do you purchase these from?
   — ningrahm

November 19, 2002 can purchase Ketostix at a drug store. They are usually behind the counter as they are a "high theft" item. A large bottle containing about 200 test strips costs about $20.00. Hope this helps ya!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii) Open RNY / 08-07-02 Down 92!!!
   — KathieInHawaii

November 19, 2002
Nicholas - go to your local pharmacy, they usually keep them behind the counter.
   — Dana B.

April 2, 2003
Ok I too have checked my urine using the multistix. Mine shows moderate or large ketones. But I also have large bili, and 30 of protein. What does this mean? Someone told me that if I have protein in my urine it means I probably are not getting enough protein so my body is burning muscle. I think most days I get plenty of protein so that confuses me. What about the bili? Maybe my water intake just needs to be increased.
   — JODY W.

April 3, 2003
OK I was spilling protein in my urine, bili and ketones. By increasing my fluids drastically I no longer had Bili or protein. I still had ketones though which is a good thing. My urine went from a dark orange to a pale yellow. Fluids really are the key.
   — JODY W.

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