Is anyone able to eat cabbage post-op?

I am a pre-op patient researching it all. I grew up eating noodles and cabbage dishes due to my heritage -- is cabbage edible at all post-op by anyone?    — Kewpidoll (posted on November 17, 2002)

November 17, 2002
I eat cabbage without problems. I am 7 months out and do not have any real food issues- In fact I had a 1/2 hot dog with sauerkraut and mustard for lunch. Cabbage and other leafy veggies tend to cause a little bit of gas, but that is no different than pre op.
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 17, 2002
hi there! i too have had cabbage post op and it went down well, sadly the noodles is something you may want or need to stay away from. they are pretty high in carbs and they may not feel so good in your new pouch. i eat them on rare occasions but they feel sorta weird.but i do miss them i really like them. best of luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

November 17, 2002
Cabbage and corned beef (the canned corned beef) was one of the first real meals I had after surgery. By real, I mean not pureed or liquidy :>) It was wonderful and didn't bother me a bit (ok, maybe a wee bit o'gas, but nothing major!)...Noodles I do ok with, but I prefer the frozen ones to the dehydrated ones. Frozen tend to be more tender and fall apart more than the boxed kind. Frankly, I think there is very little you will have to give up permanently. Maybe for a while, but eventually you'll be able to eat all the things you did pre-op in much smaller quantities and that's IF you still want to. I find many things I don't enjoy anymore :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 17, 2002
I eat cole slaw, and stuffed cabbage frequently.
   — bob-haller

November 17, 2002
Gosh, I was just sitting here thinking I need to pick up some cabbage for dinner tonight. I have some slices of ham left over from mom's Sunday dinner. I LOVE ham and cabbage, and have had no problems with cabbage at all. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -140
   — KimBo36

November 17, 2002
Once I was able to eat solid food I had a strange craving for sauerkraut on a hotdog. Although I didn't eat much of it, I satisfied my craving and had no problem whatsoever. I say go for it.
   — Laurel C.

November 18, 2002
One of my favorite soups is cabbage soup with meatballs. I've had no problems with cabbage. I'm 6.5 months post-op, down 106 pounds.
   — Jennifer A.

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