Are there any other pre- or postop medical transcriptionists here?

If so, I would love to talk with some of you. I am particularly interested in maybe connecting with some of you who are working for one of the nationals. Would love to compare notes on the health insurance offered, etc.    — dustyz (posted on November 17, 2002)

November 25, 2002
Just replying to my own question in hopes that someone who didn't see it the first time around might see it now. I can't believe there are no other MTs on this site!!
   — dustyz

August 7, 2007
I'm an MTSO...I just don't visit this site often. I haven't had surgery. Would like to someday but no insurance. One of my MTs mentioned seeing one of my posts here and I decided to get them to resend my password so I could. So....nice to meet you! My company is Allstate Tanscription ( and we also have a mentoring program for newly graduated MTs ( Glad to make your acquaintance, CJ. ~Deb
   — dellismt

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