does anyone think having gangrene in my stomach will affect surgery?
hi..when i was 12 i had my appendix taken out and afterwards i developed gangrene in my stomach and was told i had alot of scar tissue..i assume mostly Around my woman parts coz they said i only had %5 chance of ever gettin pregnant..does anyone know or think that this may affect me bein able to have the surgery done? — Chasey S. (posted on November 11, 2002)
November 10, 2002
I don't understand about gangrene. If you had it now, you would be very
sick. One of the things the surgeons do is clear up old scar tissue during
the surgery. But if you tell the surgeon you have gangrene, he won't
operate. Find out specifically from your regular doctor what is going on.
— faybay
November 10, 2002
I had a lot of scar tissue from previous surgeries and it had grown to my
intestines(which I was unaware of) and my surgeon just removed it while he
was in there. 9/12/02-60+ lbs gone forever.Open RNY
— Sharon1964
November 11, 2002
this is a very good question for your surgeon. Yes, having alot of scar
tissue will affect your surgery. It will not stop it though. The way it
affects it is that you will be under anesthesia longer while they
"clean you up"!!! And you may not be able to have the surgery lap
becasue of the scar tissue. Good Luck to you!
— Vicki L.
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