Did I just dump???

I am 6 months post-op and I have never dumped until I think last night, I usually can eat a piece of candy or chocolate to curb the sweet tooth that I have but last night I ate 2 chocolate chip cookie small ones and felt like I was gonna die, I started to feel really hot in the body not sweating just body temperature felt real hot, I felt like I was gonna throw up and felt real weak to were I just could not move. it lasted for about 90 minutes until I felt some kind of energy. Did I just experience my first dump? 148lbs (70lbs gone 27lb until goal)    — Lovett (posted on November 8, 2002)

November 8, 2002
Yep! Bet you stick to ONE cookie in the future.
   — bob-haller

November 8, 2002
hi there :) yes i think that would be concidered dumping. i really think i have maybe once and thats how it felt. i really stay away from sugar but i really crave it at times. i have found some really good sf products you should try. russel stovers has a really good pecan cluster. i also love the sf jolly ranchers and the sf strawberries and cream life savers. these are just a few good ones out there im sure there are many more. i still watch it as they still have carbs and calories but these help to quiet the sweet tooth. best of luck to you. :)
   — carrie M.

November 8, 2002
Yup, sounds like dumping to me, and i did the same thing just a few minutes ago, you know when you get that craving like the laster poster said , the one where you just gotta have it kind!!! well I have been real good, my daughter bought some ice cream this afternoon and I just had to have a taste( it was only about 5 tps.( but believe me i won't do that again, I got stomach cramping afterwardas and I am still running to the bathroom, I am kind of glad i tested it though I hadn't had icecream since my surgery almost 9 months ago, and I won't have it again, the one I tasted had 18 grams of sugar and 23 grams of fat,, BIG MISTAKE!!!won't do that any more I knew I shouldn't eat it but I just wanted a taste!! , oh well live and learn huh!!!
   — bikerchic

November 8, 2002
yep, thats dumping. Sorry, you felt so yucky, but now you know why it is such a powerful tool.
   — Vicki L.

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