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I will be at 4 weeks post-op tomorrow, and although I feel okay and know I have lost some weight, I had expected to lose more. I'm worried that if I've not lost much now, it's only going to slow down more as time passes.    — Mari S. (posted on October 31, 2002)

October 31, 2002
My whole question didn't show up! It was supposed to say "What is a normal rate of weight loss at 4 weeks post-op?"
   — Mari S.

October 31, 2002
I had to check my profile to see what I had lost in my first 4 weeks post-op. I am almost one-year post-op now. Anyway, I lost 38# in my first 4 weeks and after that I pretty much lost 2.5 to 4 pounds every week for the next 6 months. I hit my first plateau 7 months post-op and then got back on track. At one year post op I am down 150# with 35 more to go to my goal weight. I started out at 330#. Was my weight lose average or normal? I don't know. Everyone is different. Don't compare yourself too closely to what other post-ops have experienced. Some have lost faster and others slower. The important thing is that you are losing and if you stick to your proteins, water and exercise you will lose weight. I started slowing down and hitting plateaus when I started eating more carbohydrates. So, when ever I want to speed up my weight lose I cut out all carbs and get back to basics, which is protein and exercise and drink lots of water. I worried about my rate of lose when I was a new postie too and I always thought I would be one of the failures. But, here I am one year later and I am more then happy with what I have accomplished. Just hang in there and follow your docotrs advise and you will look back in a year and be just as amazed as I am now at how far you have come. Check out other postie's profiles to find out what their weight lose was. A good way to do this is when you look at before and after photos that are posted, click on the posters name and it will take you to their profile. Good Luck and congratulations!
   — Susan M.

October 31, 2002
Sorry Mari, you have to click on the picture to access their profile, not their name.
   — Susan M.

October 31, 2002
There is no "normal" rate of weight loss. Everyone is different. Factors that affect weight loss include how much you have to lose, age, the amount of yo-yo dieting you've done, genetics, yadda, yadda, yadda. Please don't get caught up in the " I lost this much so far, and if you didn't you must be doing something wrong." Some of us lose slowly, others fast, and there's no telling why, just do what your doctor tells you, and it will come off. Enjoy the ride!
   — Leslie F.

October 31, 2002
You did not say what yur starting weight was. I started at 289, and at 4 weeks had lost 32 pounds. People who start out at a higher weight seem to lose alot faster. I am 14 mos out and have lost 144 pounds. I now weigh 145. I never did lose fast, at 7 mos I was losing in the neighborhood of between 8 to 10 pounds a month. At 11 mos it slowed to 5, and now it may only be 2 pounds a month, although I do not want to lose anymore. You can never go by what other people lose, each person is different. I felt I was not losing fast enough, although I did great. You will too. Good Luck
   — Valerie M.

November 1, 2002
Mari, just looking at your BMI, you are a lightweight and will not lose as fast as those who start out heavier than you. My BMI was 42 to start with and I lost about 26 or so pounds the first month. Some lose a little less, and others, like those who start out much heavier can lose 30-40+.
   — Cindy R.

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