Everyone out there who has had WLS and who also has lupus i need your help,

advice, and works of encouragement!!! My surgery is scheduled for november 14th..its taken me a year and a half to get to this point and up until this morning i was pretty excited...just got off teh phone with a friend back home (boston, MA) who knows someone that had lupus that was supposedly in remission, had the surgery and died five days later of kidney i have a very very slight case of lupus nephritis so hearing this to say THE VERY LEAST has put a HUGE wall between me and my surgery excitement... so i'm wondering al you guys who do have lupus if anything major happened post!!! heather    — hdziema (posted on October 25, 2002)

October 25, 2002
Heather, what does your doctor say? There are so many people against having this surgery (mostly because they are ignorant)that they will say anything to scare us so that we will change our minds. Mind you, I'm not saying your friend doesn't have your best interest in mind, but I'm sure your doctor would not do the surgery if he thought you didn't have a good chance of making it through. Call your Dr. and talk with him.
   — Sharon L.

October 25, 2002
Heather, I am sure that this is no news to you, but lupus is a really big deal. It affects all parts of your body. My biggest suggestion to you is to make sure that your reumatologist, surgeon, and PCP are all working together for a good outcome for you. You need to make sure that your surgeon realizes all of the implications of having lupus, you are physically capable of handling surgey safely, and they are closely monitoring you during recovery. If all that is in place, and feel that all of your docs are on the same page, and all interested in YOU and your best interests, then you should be fine. Good Luck to you!!
   — Vicki L.

October 25, 2002
I have systemic Lupus that was diagnosed when I was 18 years old. I am now 26 years old, and my Lupus has been in remission for about 2 years. I had open RNY in July, and everything went beautifully. I mean, it was tough...but, my Lupus did not cause a single problem. I still seem to be in remission too. Just make sure all your doctor's know of this and run the appropriate tests and keep a closer eye on you as a post op. The girl who died, may have died without the surgery too. You never know. Good Luck! (open RNY 7/23/02 -73 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

October 25, 2002
I waited with a friend last week who has lapriscopic by pass surgery. She has a serious case of Lupus. She was in Intensive Care for 24 hours but that was because of breathing problems she has. SHE DID GREAT. SHE WAS HOME IN 3 DAYS AND IS DOING FANTASTICALLY. SHE HAD NO COMPLICATIONS, NO PROBLEMS good luck to you- you will do great !!!(I do not have lupus-had surgery 8013-02 LYNDA
   — Lynda M.

October 26, 2002
Hi Heather! I was diagnosed with systemic lupus about 7 years ago. I had rny on 7/16/02 and so far so good. If the lupus caused any probs postop, it was just that I was maybe a little more tired and wiped out feeling a little longer than some others are I think. Please email me if you'd like to talk more. Monica
   — Monica & Chuck C.

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