Peanut butter in the pureed food diet
I'm still on pureed foods and am bored out of my mind. I tried natural peanut butter tonight and did fine with it. But I have to admit that 2 spoonfuls of peanut butter, while filling, didn't make a very mentally satisfying meal. I'm also concerned about the fat content in it, but am frankly out of ideas for high protein pureed stuff. I'm a vegetarian, so my meals have consisted of baked, marinated tofu (blenderized) or cottage cheese or creamed potatoes (which I'm trying to get away from because of the carbs). I've tried baby food. Don't do well with milk or yogurt. Any more ideas? Anyone use peanut butter in this phase? What can you put with it to make it a meal? (scared of jelly because of the sugar!) Thanks! — ediecat (posted on October 18, 2002)
October 18, 2002
I used PB from the soft phase forward. I did not use fat free either. I had
my beloved Jif. When I "confessed" to my surgeon's nurse
practitioner and promised to buy fat free, she told me very sternly NOT to
do so. Often times, in LF or FF foods, the fat is replaced with sugar. I
was greatful because if I had to give up regular JIF, I was going to give
up PB all together. As for making it a meal, that depends a lot on your
stage. If you can have bananas right now, smear some on a few slices.
Bananas aren't puree, but its very easy for your teeth to do that. When you
start moving on, you can pair it with baked wheat crackers, eat it on wheat
toast (if you can do bread) and a host of other things. I don't freak out
about carbs too bad. Since you are a vegetarian, I would imagine you're going
to have to suppliment with drinks to meet your requirements. Find a good
one and drop in some peanut butter. :)
— Tina P.
October 18, 2002
Eggs were -- and still are -- a big protein source for me. PB has been
great, though it got "stuck" a few times (before 3 scopes). I
also don't dump, so am able to be a bit more adventurous. How about
tempeh? Seafood? I always hated fish but with the taste buds getting such
an overhauling, with the rest of me, it's become a favorite. Good luck.
— Marti R.
October 18, 2002
I did well with Taco Bell's pinto's and cheese. You can make your own
w/just refried beans and melted cheese on top. I was also allowed to have
eggs during that phase. I am lactose tolerant so milk played a big role for
me, so many of my things had skim milk. As far as peanut butter, i just
bought whatever and did fine. Maybe you could try it on some crackers and
chew till it's pureed consistency. Also, there are sugar free jellies out
there too. It might feel more like a meal then. I know what you mean
though we are used to real meals, then after surgery, it is like
okay,,,,it is just a nibble compared, but if you even try to eat like that
you will be sick. Mashed potatoes also were good during that time, even
though potatoes are high in carbs, but they helped during that time when I
couldn't have more solid foods. I put gravy in mine to give them more
liquid consistency and to taste better. Also for the milk, since it
doesn't fare well, which is probably due to the lactose in it, you can try
lactose free milk like lactaid. There's also soy milk too.
— stacey1273
October 19, 2002
Wendy's chili isn't exactly pureed, but it's very mushy and I did fine on
it during those first two weeks. I also enjoyed Carnation no-sugar added
instant breakfast with peanut butter in it. Taco Bell's pinto's and cheese
are another excellent choice. Eggs cooked soft. Banana's mashed (you
could even try mixing it with a bit of peanut butter if you like that - I
don't but my kids do :>), unsweetened applesauce (no protein, but full
of vitamins!), poached or steamed white fish (literally falls apart), tuna
mashed up with a smidge of mayo, mashed lite peaches or pears. Anyway, not
exactly the perfect diet, but it got me thru the what do I eat now phase
— [Deactivated Member]
October 20, 2002
I wasn't on a pureed diet per say, but at 4 months post, I still do the
peanut butter thing. I just get the low fat kind and have one tb in the
morning and one in the evening. I am also vegetarian, so I have to sacrifice getting
the fat with things like cheese and peanut butter, to get the
protein....and something a little more tasty!
— emilyfink
October 20, 2002
Puree is anything you can mash up into a soft form. I don't see Peanut
butter as a problem as long as it is the creamy kind and not on crackers at
this stage. I love peanut butter now at one year postop. I mean I am
almost obsessed with it! I eat 4 or 5 saltines and peanut butter (the
crunchier the better NOW at one yr post op) every night before bed. I have
been worried that this is bad for me. I have been plateauing furiously for
a month and wonder if this could be keeping me from losing? My husband and
I went to the mountains this weekend and I even took my peanut butter and
crackers with me. I didn't even eat peanut butter before WLS. Is peanut
butter obsession a bad thing for us postop?
— Marilyn C.
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