Is this pain normal?
Post op 4 weeks and having pain on the left side under my breast. Specifically, between my incision and where my JP drain was. If I sit for awhile or lay down, straighting up is quite painful. I'm walking, eating solids, taking a vitamin and pepcid. My husband says I'm overdoing it and should rest more. I have not dumped once and not running fever. HELP — June S. (posted on October 13, 2002)
October 13, 2002
June, I have a pain like yours that has been going on for about 3 weeks,
and lessening each week. My doc sent me for a CT scan and found nothing.
The final diagnosis was that it was my ribs and cartlidge healing from the
use of rib spreaders during surgery. Many people do not realize that rib
spreaders are commonly used for open proceedures. Was your open? I'd
still check with your surgeon about this, if only to ask if he thought this
was a possibility for your pain.
— Colleen S.
October 13, 2002
hi there. i too experienced most of my pain in that area.thats where alot
of the work is done. i had alot of pain there right after i had the jp
drain removed but it went away in a couple days. the pain there eventually
subsided and all was well but as with anything ,if it becomes too
bothersome or seems strange or not right,please be on the safe side and
call doc! :) best of luck to you
— carrie M.
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