Anyone else with PCOS ahve WLS done?

I have PCOS and was wondering if anyone else with the syndrome has had WLS and what their results have been.    — Flo1 (posted on October 12, 2002)

October 12, 2002
I have PCOS and could skip periods for months (maybe even a year or so at a time) and my periods were usually VERY heavy and lasted up to 3 weeks. Since WLS, my cycles have been very normal. The longest I've gone is 6 weeks. Usually it is 4 weeks and maybe a few days between, and my periods are very normal. 5 days at most and 3 of those days a pretty light. I've even seem to be experiencing PMS. I've never dealt with that before! Lisa
   — LisaTaz

October 12, 2002
Hi, I dont know if you are asking how the weight loss is going or if the PCOS has changed, so I'll answer both. I started taking Metforim right after my surgery and my periods have been like clockwork ever since. Dont know if it's the drug or the weight loss. probably a combination of both. I am currently 10 months post op RNY and have lost 120 lbs. Other than that, nothing has changed. Good Luck
   — Missy M.

October 12, 2002
I am two months post-op and had the surgery mainly in the hope of curing my PCOS and becoming fertile again. I think it has worked. I got my period in the hospital and then again exactly 30 days post-op (the closest together my periods have been in about five years!). I was shocked that it started working so fast. I figured I'd start getting regular periods again maybe after I lost 100 lbs., but I was amazed that it started back up again the first month. I just hope it continues!!
   — mandajuice

October 13, 2002
I did not even reazlize that that was part of my problem(no menstral cycle for seven years, onset of obesity fairly quickly, moodiness, ect.) until after I had had an rny done in june of 2000. I went for a physical and my gynecologist informed me that that was what was going on with me. After I had the rny, within a month or so, my menstral cycle began again. However, I have noticed that my cycles either skip a month or two, may be light one month and heavy the next, and I have been experiencing slight, barely noticable, pains as my cycle begins. I don't know if pcos ever goes away? it has to do with our ovaries and the hormone impalance in our bodies. We produce too much testosterone(ie; facial hair, loss of cycle, weight gain, etc.) If someone knows if it "goes away" I would be really curious to know.
   — twenc

October 13, 2002
hi there! i too have pcos and for some strange reason,my cycles started coming every month again even beofore my surgery. post op im glad to say that they are still, and even more so, regular now. i wonder if im fertile again or not. ive heard that although we may ovulate, pcos sufferers ovum never seem to be ripe enough to be fertilized and it all has to do with our hormonal levels and even insulin levels. so im hoping for us wls/pcos family out there, that those trying to have babys will be successful .i too ofen wonder at times if pcos slows our weight loss or works against us in any way. and the only reason i wonder this is becuause psoc is one factor contributing to obesity. i hope when its all done that i wont have near the symptoms of pcos as i have in the past. best of luck to you and for more info on pcos please visit if you havent already :)
   — carrie M.

October 14, 2002
I had PCOS and since my RNY Surgery, March 6th, 2002, I am essentially CURED!
   — Heather W.

October 15, 2002
There is no cure for PCOS. No cure. No cure. No cure. Even if you loving PCP or OB/Gyn tries to tell you that - they are WRONG. Losing weight may help SOME of us (although not all of us as there are skinny cysters out there where weight is NOT an issue). Weight loss has helped my period come back (and I am pregnant right now), my acne decline and my hair to regrow. It has NOT helped my hirsuitism (once facial/body hair is grown, it cannot be UNGROWN), or depression. Still, I have been helped and I can thank this surgery for it. My PCOS (or yours, or anyones) will never go away- and I must still treat certain symptoms. For instance- I was starting to feel the "muddled mind" lately and I started taking Metformin, it helped me loose 5lbs. and made me feel SO MUCH BETTER physically- but since I am pregnant I cannot take it anymore. My weight loss stalled as well, after 90lbs. lost- I feel this is my PCOS acting out against me once again... I only got down to 187. I started "dieting" and exercising again and the scale barely budged... Do not stop seeing your Endo after surgery, keep getting your labs done and keep up on the treatments.
   — Karen R.

October 15, 2002 PCOS is an Endocrine Disorder, that in turn affects other parts of your system. This is the main reason you should see and ENDOCRINOLOGIST for the treatment.
   — Karen R.

October 16, 2002 This actually takes you to the start of the information page. The last link I posted took youstraight to page one.
   — Karen R.

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