i heard this was another way for hair removal on face and etc
and it is a cream you use 2 times a day, does it work? If so what is the cost? Thanks in advance... debbie — debbie S. (posted on August 27, 2002)
August 27, 2002
It will not remove it, nor will it make it dissappear. It will lessen the
appearance if you use it religously and also continue with your current
facial hair removal (waxing, plucking). You must apply it twice a day, and
what it does is goes to your root and makes them smaller.. the hair grows
in finer and sometimes lighter and supposedly less & less. It's cost
is around $45 for a tube that should last you 1.5-2 months. When you stop
using it- it stops working. So, if you want to invest that kind of money
into getting rid of hair- I would wait until you are about 2-3yrs OUT of
surgery (so all hormonal changes have level'd off)and look into
electrolysis or laser treatments.
— Karen R.
August 27, 2002
Biore also has a lotion that you can buy at any drug store and it costs
around $6...
— Morna B.
August 28, 2002
I used Vaniqua for a few months and it didn't seem to help me much. I may
have stopped too soon, but I cant seem to justify paying $45 a month for
something that doesn't help. LOL..kind of sounds like some of the diets we
have all tried!
— Brenda L.
August 29, 2002
For $45.00 a month I think I will continue to have my one $15.00
waxing...that only takes 10 minutes! LOL
— pam29922
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