Excess skin and infections.

As I lose more weight, I have more hanging skin and I have experienced my first true infection in the fold (apron). I never realized how miserable this can make one feel. I have had it for over a week and my pcp has given me two prescription creams. I have tried everything! Lotrimin, Lomisil, Monistat, gold bond, even alcohol. Nothing has given me any relief so I looked in the library and found an old posting that said to keep it dry and use Milk Of Magnesia. So I tried and low and behold, it works! Finally some relief. I just wanted to post this again so that it could help someone else. Also is there anything else you guys can post that may be helpful. If this clears up I never want to get another! I have had it documented with my pcp for future use in case I get a tummy tuck or panniculectomy.    — Mylou52 (posted on August 18, 2002)

August 18, 2002
Hi Marilyn - Yeast infections in that area are indeed miserable. My dermatologist suggested a medicated super drying powder called Zeasorb-AF. It's available at most pharmacies (Iget mine at Walgreens) It's kept behind the counter at the pharmacy so you have to ask for it.. It's not stocked on the floor. It really seems to help me. Good luck! Sue
   — Sue C.

August 18, 2002
Original poster--Sorry I should have said you dab it on the rash. I cannot believe the relief it brings! I was just out shopping and I had applied my prescription cream. Of course, it is soooo hot and humid so I was pretty sweaty in the fold after working outside for a bit. I couldn't wait to get in to put on the MOM. I washed the area, dryed it with a towel and then applied the milk of magnesia with a clean cotton wash cloth. I then dried with the hair dryer on cool and I feel so much better. I recommend this to you guys (and gals) who are suffering with this as I am. Thanks for your advice too. Yours,
   — Marilyn C.

August 18, 2002
I have ALWAYS had terrible problems with rashes in the folds of my skin. They burn,itch,hurt,smell bad...they are just terrible! After 5 years of trying EVERYTHING over the counter and by prescription....I finally found something that works like a charm...and works FAST. Your rash will almost completely disappear in 24 hours. NO KIDDING! You have to get it by prescription and it is called LORTISONE. It is a Godsend! Ask your doctor for it ASAP...I promise you will not find anything that works better!
   — Shawnie S.

August 22, 2002
Here's something else that works well when a rash is just getting started. Take toilet paper and fold it over and insert it so that your apron doesn't touch your skin. Without the moisture the rash clears up quickly and doesn't have a chance to get miserable. I've had some where the skin actually broke and bled. It's a miserable experience!
   — Kellye C.

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