Why am I bruising?

Having coffee with my son this morning, & he asked me how I got those bruises on my legs. Never noticed 'em til today & found a few on my arms too. Am doin' my vits faithfully, and my labs 2months ago were great. Any ideas??    — Denise W. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 9, 2002
I was wondering the same thing I am almost 3 months post-op and noticed this weekend that I am brusing also. Would love to know why.
   — Lisa B.

June 9, 2002
Hello: You didn't say how post op you were, but if you are a new post op, it coule be the meds that you were given in the hosp. I did the same thing til about 3 mos post op and my dr said that it was a combo of the meds and my lack of nutrients. I still notice that every once in a while I have these strange bruises that I have no idea where they came from and they feel like really "deep"bruises(they really hurt). Sure didn't feel them when I got them. I up my vits and proteins when this happens and it really seems to help.
   — Joi G.

June 10, 2002
Bruising is also a sign of anemia. It may just be mild at this point, but it wouldn't hurt to add a little iron rich food to your diet or make sure your vitamins have extra iron.
   — DJeffrey

June 10, 2002
Vitamin C helps with bruising. If your gums bleed when you are brushing your teeth, this is also an indicator that the Vitamin C might be low. It is water soluble, which means the body does not store it. All excess will be flushed out of your body. Up your intake for a while and see if that helps. Good luck!
   — Karen F.

June 10, 2002
I started bruising about a year postop and thought I was anemic. I upped my iron but the bruising continued. I remembered something I learned in pharmacology about vitamin K and it's role in blood clotting. Vitamin K is synthesized in the intestines so I figured if I had less intestine my body would produce less vit K. I started taking it every day and I don't bruise as much. There might be a blood test to detect vitamin K deficiency but I'm not sure.
   — Kellie L.

June 15, 2002
My daughter and I both noticed unexpected bruising....mostly on our legs.....starting 2-3 months post-op RNY. When we asked our surgeon about it, he told us to take an extra 500 milligrams of Vitamin C a day. The bruising cleared up almost immediately. We took the extra Vitamin C for only a few weeks and the bruising has not happened again. We are now over two years post-op. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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