How can I best prepare?

How can I best prepare for a smooth surgery and a smooth transition to the new way of eating? I do want to start exercising. Do you think it will help make surgery easier? And I am a major caffeine addict. I'll have to quit afterwards anyway, right? Should I try to quit now? What else is there that I can do to prepare?    — M. B. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 5, 2002
The answer to all of your questions is YES!
   — MARSHA D.

June 5, 2002
I have a couple of suggestions for you. The first is to practice how you will eat post-surgery. You eat the protein first, cut in tiny bites, chewing each bite well. You then eat whatever veggie, cut in tiny bites and chewing well. Then, if you still have room, eat whatever carbos, cut in tiny bites and chewing well. AND start drinking LOTS and LOTS of water. Second, exercising is always a good idea. Also, practice deep breathing so you can get off the ventilator fast. Third, if you quit caffeine abruptly, you can get a terrible headache, and I don't know about you, but dealing with major surgery AND a big-time headache is too much for me! Next, do lay in some post-surgery food: clear broths, sugar-free Jell-O, sugar-free popsicles, cottage cheese, things you can puree. Get a baby spoon, a shrimp fork, and a shot glass. The baby spoon and shrimp fork help you take tiny bits at a single time, and the shot glass reminds you how much 1 oz. looks like. Remember that you won't be having much more than a total of 2 or 3 shotglasses of anything to start with. Finally, know that bad as you feel at first, it WILL get better, and that life is so wonderfully different afterwards, it will amaze you. Keep a positive attitude, and know we are all supporting YOU in this journey. Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

June 6, 2002
If you are having open RNY, I would suggest strengthening your arms and legs. This will really help when you have to get yourself in and out of bed after surgery. I was totally addicted to coke prior to surgery. I even had 1 the night before surgery. I must have gone thru withdrawals from it in the hospital but it didn't seem bad because I was so focused on getting better. Hope this helps...Best of luck
   — Ginger J.

June 6, 2002
A few years ago, I was heavily addicted to caffeine - I would start a pot of coffee upon me waking up and it wouldn't shut off until I went to bed. I then attended a school in Hollyweird that wouldn't allow drinks in the class. It was a 7-day intense 12 - 16 hours a day course - one of those accelerated things but it had some strange rules and no drinking except on breaks was allowed. The headache from coming off caffeine was enough to make me sick - I wouldn't ask for that after this surgery because it's hard enough trying to adjust to everything, you don't need added caca on your platter. Most surgeons will ask you not to take in caffeine due to the retention of water caffeine causes. If you can start to wein yourself off, do so because it will only benefit you. How can you best prepare for a smooth surgery and smooth transition? Well - the smooth surgery is in God's hands..pray a bunch and release all your fears to a Higher Source. As for a smooth transition - I honestly do not believe it's possible but it doesn't mean it has to be a traumatic one either. I would journal right now - right down your worst days and your best days prior to surgery. Write down the reasons you want this surgery in detail and keep it handy because more than likely - you'll have days when you ask yourself "what have I done". Keeping the journal will help you to know the reasons why. I wish you the best of luck and I'm an email away if you want to visit more.
   — Lisa J.

June 8, 2002
Unless you're intending to be off the painkillers by day three of your hospital stay, I would suggest NOT dramatically dropping your caffeine intake until you go into the hospital. I mean, basically, you're likely going to get debilitating headaches if you are as addicted as you say, why not take the brunt of them while you're under anesthetic and on morphine pump? Just a thought.
   — Heather K.

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