Interested in asking any teachers out there some questions
Are there any teachers here? ( I teach high school students.) If so, I have a couple of questions. 1) Did you have the surgery during school or during the summer? 2) Do you feel like it is/was selfish to have the surgery during school when you could have done it during the summer? 3) What (if anything) did you tell your coworkers and/or students before AND after surgery? 4) How much time did you take off from work if you had it during the year? — M. B. (posted on June 4, 2002)
June 4, 2002
I am a Middle School teacher. I had my openVBG last June (2001) two weeks
after school was out for the summer. I told some of my close
"friend-coworkers" ahead of time. I didn't feel it was
appropriate to discuss with students. By the time school resumed in
mid-August, I'd already lost almost 90 lbs. It was GREAT!!! The reaction of
people was priceless! I've now lost 146 lbs and on May 16, I had an
extended Abdominoplasty. I had saved all of my leave (never needed any sick
days this year!) and took it at the end of the school year - so I missed
the last 11 days of school (our school dismissed on May 30th). I did that
because my life is so DIFFERENT now, I wanted a head-start on the summer
and didn't want to waste more of it that I have to recovering from another
surgery! I told more people this time what I was up to - but still didn't
discuss it with students.
— Cathy J.
June 4, 2002
— Howard W.
June 4, 2002
I am on a twelve month contract (I teach at a college). I took my three
weeks off right after school got out and plan to be back next Monday to
teach one summer school class (it will only be a part-time committment plus
I will do some research). Today I am 2 weeks 5 days since OPEN surgery and
I feel fine (a wonderful blessing). God willing I will be able to return
on Monday. I told no one at work that I was having WLS. Blessings for your
journey! When we have more energy and a new enthusiasm for life our
students will benefit!!
— Grace M.
June 4, 2002
I had my surgery on August 21, 2001. School began again on September 5th.
I went back to school as normal. I didn't tell anyone at work. I did tell
my supervisor that i had to go for surgery on my esophagus... (almost
honest). I told no one else about the surgery. I did tell them that I cut
my portions significantly and lowered my carbs. I dont regret having the
surgery when I did. I was prepared for the new year; both career-wise and
health-wise. No regrets here with my decision on timing. I wouldn't like
to take a week or two off personally because the kids would have way too
much free time to get into trouble.... especially at the beginning of the
year. I like to set the tone early. Best of luck to you whatever decision
you make =)
— Jeannet
June 4, 2002
I had my surgery on November 8, 2001 and went back to work on December 3. I
actually missed 13 days of work because of some holidays in there. If I
had waited until summer to have the surgery I would still be at 272lbs (or
bigger) when I'm now at 170. NO, it was not selfish to have it then. I
told my co-workers exactly what I was doing and why. I received various
responses and still do. I teach high school students, also, and I
explained the surgery to them after returning to work. (They needed to
know why I kept a protein bar snack in my desk drawer and would nibble on
it all day).
Having surgery during the school year was no more selfish than having to
miss due to other illnesses. As a matter of fact, I missed fewer days this
year, even with the surgery, than what I would normally miss during a
school year. I wasn't sick with flu or asthma or other illnesses as I have
been in the past.
— Janice B.
June 4, 2002
I also teach high school students. I also wanted to wait for summer
vacation. I am waiting for a date, I hope it will be soon. I did not want
to put a substitute or my students through the ordeal of having a long term
sub. I can really relate to your question. I mean when you have a sub,
you go back to twice as much work. Good luck on your journey.
— marta B.
June 4, 2002
I also teach high school students. I also wanted to wait for summer
vacation. I am waiting for a date, I hope it will be soon. I did not want
to put a substitute or my students through the ordeal of having a long term
sub. I can really relate to your question. I mean when you have a sub,
you go back to twice as much work. Good luck on your journey.
— marta B.
June 4, 2002
I work with teachers in Staff Development. I will either schedule my
surgery for July or wait until November or December. I am not in a
classroom, but need to be there for my teachers. I decided to do it around
the school vacations because you never know what might happen and I need to
be there for my teachers. I agree with Howard as well that this is what we
have our sick days for and in future years we will hopefully need to use
less of them. It is an investment in our future. :) Good luck!
— Kelly X.
June 5, 2002
I tried to have my surgery during summer break, but various
"red-tape" situations dragged my surgery date out to Sept. I
certainly wasn't happy with the situation, but after waiting so long for
the surgery date to be scheduled, I didn't want to have to start over. My
co-workers and students all knew about the surgery and were very
supportive. I work for a small private school though, so we are a closer,
more personal group than a large public school might be. I planned on being
out for 2 weeks, but ended up out for 3weeks. I had left VERY detailed
lesson plans, and the sub. did I good job, so I didn't feel as if we had
lost much ground. Everyone has enjoyed watching my progress. I am a High
School level English and Social Studies teacher, but my entire journey from
deciding to have surgery to my 120lb. loss (so far, still losing)has been a
means of teaching the students quite a bit about health, surgery, decision
making etc. It has been an interesting tool for learning.
— Bobbie B.
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