I am starting to think about a panniculetomy sometime in the future and

am wondering why the TT and Panni are not feared as far as complications and death like the WLS surgery is? It seems like no one really "freaks out" like we did before the WLS. Is it because most of us are healthier when we have the plastics/reconstructive surgery? Or is it because the morbidity (death) rat is less? Or is it because we are just braver after having WLS surgery? I would really like to hear that the morbidity rate is less! But it seems like the TT and Panni would be just as invasive and scary as the open rny because of the big cut. Please advise.    — Marilyn C. (posted on May 25, 2002)

May 25, 2002
I would be much less apprehensive about any of the skin removal surgeries, because they are removing just skin and fat. There is no re-routing of intestines and no involvement of any major internal organs. I'm not saying there is no cause for concern, but in my mind, this is much less invasive surgery and in some cases can be just as medically necessary as WLS itself.
   — garw

May 25, 2002
I for one, am scared ***less about getting some needed plastics done. I think I was much more comfortable with WLS because I felt that if I didn't do it, I'd die soon. The plastics on the other hand.. well, I need it done, but I don't HAVE TO have it done, you know? I worry about the cost, the possibility of complications, all of that nasty stuff. I'm moving slowly toward surgery (consults, etc.) but I'm scared!
   — BethVBG

May 25, 2002
This is the original poster. Wow I really messed up this question....please know that I mean mortality rate not morbidity rate and also death RATE not rat....whew.....I should check my posting more closely..sorry. I have been thinking of my own question a lot today and I have come to the conclusion that most of us probably do fear another surgery but reconstructive surgery is usually done at least a year or two after WLS and maybe by then, the fresh memory of pain has dulled somewhat. Maybe if I am feeling fear again, it is too soon to consider reconstructive surgery. HUMMMMMM.
   — Marilyn C.

May 25, 2002
My RYN Doc said it's just a skin cut. So not very invasive. The danger comes from going "under" and we are healthier now so?????????????/ Any way I just had TT and Breast done along with a revision because of throwing up do to continual closing! and I'm doing fine the breasts are no problem at all and the TT it's jusst the staples that are just annoying....nothing bad at all.
   — Sharon F.

May 26, 2002
I for one was terrified before my tummy tuck I think alot of it had to do with the rememberance of the pain of my RNY and also because my best friend died after her surgery for her RNY and I had the fear that I would have problems. Thankfully it was easier than the first surgery and I have recovered very nicely. Good luck to you.
   — susan V.

May 26, 2002
My beloved mother died from complications from a TT. It can happen. She had the old horrible intestinal bypass, lost some but not all of her weight, suffered with nutritional deficiencies and chronic diarrhea for years. She needed a hysterectomy but was too large for the surgery so she dieted and lost 150 pounds and had the hysterectomy complication free. She had raised us all (I was 21) and was finally ready to do something for herself, so she had the TT. I was so proud of her. Alas, she never left the hospital following the procedure. It was a freakish infection, DIC, where her blood wouldn't clot..she took 44 pints of blood in four days before leaving us for Heaven. That was 16 years ago. I still miss her every day. I surely have missed her during my own WLS journey. But, I know she'd understand and be proud. I guess I have as many fears of reconstructive surgery as anyone and right now I have Kaiser HMO so there's no danger of my insurance company paying. That said, if I ever get the chance to have it, I probably will. My life and it's duration are in God's hands just as much now and in the future as it has been in the past. We are in charge of our choices, we make the best ones we can, but we are not always in charge of the outcomes. Everyday someone dies in traffic, yet I choose to drive every day. I refuse to live in fear. I give a nod to its existence, but it does not rule me. Best wishes to you whatever you decide. God be with us all.
   — Sharon L.

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