DR scheduled me for an upper GI, Can you tell me am i suppose to worry?

I am scheduled for upper GI on May 22, I am already disappointed in the surgery because I have not lost much weight. Even surgeon said my weight is not excessive. Should I be worried about all of this or just throw my hands up and be happy with the 18lb that I have lost and be content that I may not lose anymore? What exactly takes place in an upper GI?    — Lovett (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 16, 2002
I would not be worried just yet. 18lbs in a month is great. Dont beat yourself up over the weight loss just yet. You didnt state why your surgeon is asking for the GI series. But alot of surgeon do them routinly. I had one just last week for a suspected ulcer. Basically all that happens is that they have you drink this really nasty 'milk shake' and take x-ray pictures of your digestive system as it goes down. Then they have you lay on a table and drink more of of this wonderful shake as they take more pictures of you in various positions on this table. I also had one of these about 15 years ago. Same deal but but now there is a better tasting 'shake'. The upside of the GI series as a gastric bypass patient. You only have to drink a third of the barium!
   — RebeccaP

May 16, 2002
The stuff tastes like concrete flavored with strawberry. I asked the technician if I could add "Equel" sweetener to it and he asked the doctor. The doc said ,"sure, I'm surprized no one ever asked that before" Made it so much easier to take.
   — Diane H.

May 16, 2002
Wow Diane! I never thought of that!!! What a wonderful suggestion.
   — RebeccaP

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