I wondered if anyone could tell me how things go when you have your period ...

My date was May 23. They offered me May 13 due to a cancellation so of course I took it. However, my period is just now starting. I'll be at the worst point of that the day of my surgery. Has this happened to any of you? Is it fairly easy to take care of the hygenic end of things ourselves? Sorry guys, but I'm stressing over this.    — lerli1 (posted on May 11, 2002)

May 10, 2002
I didn't have my period the day of surgery, but the anesthia brought it on 2 weeks early right after surgery. It was a little hard, but to tell you the truth the pain was keeping me from caring very much. I had a lap so I would imagine it might be harder to move with an open wound. The best of luck and don't worry too much.
   — Jody Diou

May 11, 2002
One of the great things I learned on this web site is this: Make sure when you pack for surgery to carry a set of tongs. Yes I said kitchen tongs, you can reach everything with tissue wrapped around the tongs! I did this and my nurses were amazed. By the way, some women actually start during surgery. Hope this helps you. Good luck and I'll be praying for you!
   — Debbie W.

May 11, 2002
it doesn't affect anything with having your period during surgery. i had mine when i had my breast reduction. actually all the jumbling they do in your body usually brings it on anyways. i've been getting the depo shot for a while now, but i've had my period since the 3rd day after surgery. (open rny 5-2-02)
   — candymom64

May 11, 2002
Hi! I know what it's like to have your period in the hospital and although it's not fun on your part, let me re-assure you that the staff has seen it all and cleaned it all. It won't alter your surgery, but it may be a little uncomfortable when you are up walking. They have good "products" there, if you know what I mean. Keep your chin up and you will get through it! Good Luck!
   — KristyKatt

May 11, 2002
My period started the day before my surgery. That was the day it was suppose to start and it didnt bother me at all. I was so ready to have the surgery didnt give it a thought. I can say that it stayed on longer that usual. My normal period is 2-3 days this time it was 6-7. Good luck to you!!
   — Karen M.

May 11, 2002
I had just had my period the week before my surgery, but the anesthesia etc caused me to start spotting in the hospital after surgery, then I had another regular period the following week. Again! But I suppose because of my weight I had been irregular for so long that my body was trying to make up for lost time. After a few weeks, I have been regular as clock work ever since. And by the way, the long set of kitchen tongs and flushable kid wipes were a God-send at the hospital and when I first got home. Good luck!
   — Christina H.

May 11, 2002
I had a lap rny on 4/11/02, and my period started on 4/8. I went into surgery with it, but when I woke up it had stopped. I didn't have to worry about it at all until this month. It started right on time. I know the surgery sometimes brings it on in a lot of people, but I guess we're all different. Good luck on your surgery Monday!! Congrats to you!
   — Jeannette P.

May 11, 2002
I actually have been hospitalized several times over the years for various reasons and have been very impressed with how routinely hospitals handle a woman's period. It is definitely no big deal. They even have pads/tampons on hand right there in the hospital, in case you didn't bring any with you. I once had an angiogram while I was having my period (that is a test where they stick a catheter through a major artery in your groin). It was gross to me, but the doctors barely seemed to notice. Don't worry. Your period is normal and not something to stress out about. Fortunately, most nurses are female and will be able to understand and help you out quite a bit.
   — Terissa R.

May 12, 2002
I started my period the day before my surgery and was also very stressed about it. Believe me the staff at the hospital has seen it all and done it all and it didn't phase them at all! They put a waterproof pad/towel under me and even provided pads for me to wear. It was really no big deal. Good Luck to you!
   — Leah H.

May 12, 2002
I started my period the very same day as surgery and I was embarrassed but needlessly so. The nurses were very professional and like one nurse told me, she had dealt with a lot worse. They took care of me and made me feel comfortable about it.
   — Happy B.

May 12, 2002
Dear Lora,<p> My WLS is wednesday May 15, 2002 and I have also just started my period (as of Friday).<p> I am a little nervous about it only because I know I feel more comfortable in foreign environments when I do not have to worry about the cramping, pad/tampon changes etc.<p> You will do wonderful! Doctors and Nurses are very interested in helping you get better and are not very concerned with us having our period. Alot of women having WLS get their period before, during and/or after their surgery because of stress (as I have).<p> Best of luck and God bless!
   — Anna M.

May 12, 2002
I had read so much about women getting their periods directly after surgery that I went to the hospital a bit prepared. I had brought 3 pairs of undies with me, already with the stick on pads in place. You can't wear the underwear during surgery, but you can put a pair on afterwards once they remove the catheter. Although I didn't need the protection (I got my period the day after I left the hospital), I felt calm with the pads in place while I was there. I normally don't have heavy flow, so the pads would have been fine. I also threw a few extras in my bag. It will give you peace of mind just knowing you have them. And during surgery and directly afterwards, the nurses will provide you with any protection you need. I will say it was a bit of a stretch for me to place a tampon once I got home, so I used pads for this month. My incision will be healed quite well and I'm sure I won't have a problem with tampons next month. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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