Can someone please give me a good routine workout?
I just got a really good membership at a gym but do not know where to start. I need some good example of a daily workout and how many days a week would be appropriate to workout without over doing it. I also have another question and I know it has been ask before but I am still a little confused by it. OK, are we suppose to eat carbo's? I watch my carbo intake because my DR says low carbo's high protein. But I have heard that you dump when consuming too much carbo's... So how much is too much? and is the carbo's that cause dumping from refine sugar like candy, cake and ice cream or can you dump off of potatoes, pasta or cream of wheat? One last thing, I saw some sugar free cookie that are made by mothers, every now and then I have a sweet tooth and am very tired of popcicles and jello. Can I eat one cookie? — Lovett (posted on May 10, 2002)
May 10, 2002
Hi Tina,
First let me say a gym membeship can be a great thing because of the
variety it offers. I too belong to the gym..but I have to say I prefer
outdoor activities when the weather permits. My advice would be to
experiment..try a few of the classes ( I love kickboxing )..use the
treadmill on ugly weather days and/or when you need a change..I woud say
variety is a key to keep from getting bored at the far as how
often...depends on your goals..but at least 3x a week and prob 5x would be
best...start out slow..about 20-30 mins a day and work your way up fromt
here. As far as the carbs go..some people will most likely bash me for
saying this..but if you want a cookie..have won't kill you and
didn't you have this surgery so you could give up your food obsessions? I
know longer view food as the enemy..I try to concentrate on my protien
first..then veges/fruits and small amount of bread..but if I occassionally
want a cookie..well then I have one :) . The nice thing is I can stop at 1
instead of 20 :). Well good luck with your exercise program..feel free to
email me if you any more questions.
— Eva C.
May 10, 2002
See if the gym has someone who can help you with a routine. They can show
you the machines, both aerobic and strength/conditioning machines.
— garw
May 25, 2002
hey there.. im a ymca membership and they have a 12 weeks programs... it a
work out machine in a differnt room with personal trainer.. I loves it!!! i
go every other day or 2 days in row if im gonna miss the next few days...
Im soo suprised that i go work out!!! i did it when i was 6 weeks post
op.. started slowly i told my personal trainer i had surgery.. so i did the
walking on treadmill fast pace walk and bike and from then i did stomach
ab wokr out but on light weights.. and inner thigh and outer cuz iknow that
might sag and wearing short i want a toned or msucle inner thigh haha..
right now i feel great going!!! im 8 weeks post op and sometime i get tired
but i make myself go and glad i did.. have a cheap babysitting room while i
work out.. soo very helpful!!!! hugs
— mxmommy
January 7, 2005
One way I found a good workout is to rent workout tapes for free at my
library. Right now I have Billy Blanks "Tai-bo" a(the basic one)
and I love it. At the library you can try different workout tapes and it
costs you nothing. Also when I get a big sweet tooth instead of buying a
whole box of cookies I'll know I'll go ape over and eat too much. I found
in the fridge section of the supermarket these break apart and bake
cookies. I put one in my toaster oven, and it is so warm, soft and totaly
decadent that I am happy and satisfied.Anouther way to treat yourself is to
put a coulple shakes of cinnamon or a teaspoon of plain(sugarfree) baking
coco in you coffee with a sf sweetner. You won't feel deprived , you'll
feel like a diva!
— kay T.
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