Has anyone out there ever been approved but decided they wanted to switch surgeons...

I am approved thru BCBS of TX with one surgeon. I have decided I really dont feel comfortable with him/his office. I keep thinking that if I find the right surgeon, WLS will be the right choice. I hope I dont have to go through the approval process again, but who knows. I'd like to here from anyone who has "been here"....Thanks, Jennifer    — j S. (posted on May 8, 2002)

May 8, 2002
I started my approval process through one doctor and decided for various reasons to change. I hadn't received approval when I changed, but it came in about a week after my first consultation with the second doctor. It took a phone call to the insurance company and a fax from the 2nd doctor's office to get the approval changed. After the fax was sent, my doctor got the approval in about 45 minutes. Hope this helps. Patty Butler Open RNY - 11/29/01 -100 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

May 8, 2002
Hi Jennifer. I was insured with Accordia at the time of my surgery in December 2001. I was approved with one surgeon and switched to another surgeon after I had gotten the approval. My insurance company allowed the switch without having to re-certify the surgery again. Call your insurance company and ask if your approval is transferable to another doctor within their network. You may also want to check what is involved with going to a surgeon outside your insurance network. If you are still looking for the right surgeon, it helps to know in advance what you'll be up against. Best of Luck!
   — Pam S.

May 8, 2002
I was approved for surgery at my first pick surgeons office. I really liked him but I was not happy with his office staff. I found another doc to switch to and since he was in my network I had no problem in switching. The new surgeons office took care of the paper work all I needed to do was call my insurance company and let them know I wanted to change.
   — Sandra W.

May 8, 2002
Hey Jen, I also was approved for my surgery by one Dr. But then heard some Rumors and backed out to another. My surgery was still approved, however, I had to go throught the process of getting the new surgeon approved by BC BS. Went fairly smooth.
   — Kathy A.

May 8, 2002
I had to switch surgeons after being approved. I founght with Anthem BC/BS PPO insurance for four months and finally got approved the week my surgeon got called up to the Reserves (he is serving his stint on a base in Texas to replace a full time military Dr. sent to Afghanistan). That was last December so I called the insurance company and they said that the approval was transferable as long as I went to a surgeon that was already a participating provider. Started seeing a new Dr. and had surgery 3-04-02. Now 9 weeks out and down 60+ lbs. If you don't feel comfortable with the surgeon, I would change, but talk to your insurance about their policy regarding transferring aprovals. Good Luck.
   — Dell H.

May 8, 2002
Hi! I am in the middle of switching surgeons myself. The surgeon who I was seeing has a busy practice and won't be able to get me in for surgery until the end of the year. Like another poster, I really dislike his office staff. They never follow through on what they say they are going to do... so I am switching! The insurance approval for surgery should be fairly easy from what I am told. I will let you know though! I hope to have a date soon.. which is better than I could have hoped for with the last guy. Good luck!!! Kathie (in Hawaii)..............
   — KathieInHawaii

May 8, 2002
Yes, I switched surgeons after almost five months with my first one and an authorization for my insurance company. I couldn't be happier that I had made the change, as my new doctor was clearly more in line with my needs. As far as the insuracne was concerned, it wasn't a problem at all. My new surgeons office made a phone call and the authorization was obtained just as easily as the first one was about 7 weeks earlier.
   — PaulaM

May 8, 2002
Yes, I switched doctors after being approved. I switched because I decided I wanted a doctor that would do the procedure Lap. Anyway, my insurance company told me it wouldn't be a problem because it had already been determined (by them) that the procedure was "medically necessary" and it was a covered benefit. Therefore, it didn't matter what doctor was performing would still be a covered benefit. My new doc just had to submit the pre-auth and it was taken care of in just a few days.<br> <br> Lap RNY scheduled 6/18/02
   — rhonda2u

May 9, 2002
I switched....wasnt a problem.
   — RebeccaP

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