HI there, I have an offbeat, random quesiton i hope you can help me with.

I was wondering...don't laugh at me too hard..but this has been bothering me...i'm still preop, hopefully going to be post op by summer's end. And i'm curious, for all you roller coaster freaks out there...i don't know how the two go together, but i need peace of mind. Has anyone been able to ride rollercoasters pre-op and feel fine but find that post op riding makes them sick and nauceous or whatever? Told ya it was random. I"m petrified that after surgery i won't be able to ride anymore becuase i'll get sick..petty i know...buti'm a coaster junkie. thanks!    — hdziema (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 5, 2002
I love to ride the rollercoaster. But if I were you I would wait until next summer to ride because of all the jerking that goes with the ride you might hurt something on the inside.
   — Sharon T.

May 6, 2002
Funny question! The reason it hits home to me is that I too love roller coasters, but was so upset last year when I went to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure that I was unable to FIT on it! I was somewhere about 320 then, down to about 250 now (surgery was on 2/8). That upset me so much that it made me decide surgery was necessary for me. Like the previous poster said, take it slow. And when in doubt, ask your doctor.
   — GGinMA

May 6, 2002
I used to be the biggest Roller Coaster Freak! I still enjoy roller coasters, but I find myself getting nervous before I go on one; which is unusual for me, but my stomach doesn't get any more "jelloey" than pre-op! BUT, I can tell you that since I had my daughter 4 years ago...I don't like rides that go up and down...Like the Tower of Terror! My stomach just can't take them anymore...and I used to LOVE them! I would venture to say you'll be fine!
   — Kristin R.

May 6, 2002
What timing for this question! I live in the Orlando, FL area and just this past Saturday, I spent all day at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. I think I rode every coaster there TWICE! No problem at all, we had a great time. I'm 8 months postop, down 125lbs and it was great to have wiggle room on the coasters instead of having to cram myself into the seat and praying that the safety bar would close....good luck, I'd say try it, everyone's different, if it works for you, keep on riding!
   — lily1968

May 6, 2002
That is hilarious! I have wondered the exact same thing!! I am a roller coaster freak and one of the main things I want to do next summer (after hopefully having surgery and losing a lot of weight) is to to an amusement park and ride, ride, ride. Maybe then I won't worry about whether or not I'll fit AND I won't be exhausted from walking around all day on two feet that curse me with every step. lol
   — K. Joyce Smith

May 6, 2002
When i was at my most heavy, i wasn't able to fit in a roller coaster! Now my kids and I go to Six Flags all the time and it's great that i'm able to ride with them!
   — kim G.

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