Has anyone recently had surgery while taking Coumadin for Atrial Fibrillation?

I have atrial fib (irregular heartbeat) that could not be converted back to a normal rythym. I take Cardizem for the irregularity and the blood thinner Coumadin to reduce my risk of blood clots. I would like to hear from others with similar problems--particularly how your surgeon dealt with the issue of increased Blood clot risks during WLS Linda B Pre-op    — gardengranny (posted on May 3, 2002)

May 3, 2002
I was a nurse in a cardiology clinic a few years ago and you will have to go off of coumadin before your surgery. Coumadin is (as I'm sure you are aware) a blood thinning medication. When the heart fibulates your blood is more likely to form a clot. Coumadin thins your blood enough to make clot formation less likely. Please discuss with your cardiologist your wish for WLS. There may be other medications which will be safer to use before and during your surgery. We frequently had cardiac patients discontinue coumadin before heart surgery and did quite well. Each case is individual. Your cardiologist can assist you best. Good luck, I hope this information is of assistance.
   — Wanda W.

May 5, 2002
Linda, I am two months post-op and doing very well. I have a blood clotting disorder and have been on major doses of coumadin for a while now. My internist who specializes in hemotology, vascular and thrombosis worked hand in hand with my surgeon. They had me stop the coumadin 7 days before surgery and transitioned on low molecular heparin (lovenox) through the day before surgery. They restarted the lovenox the night of surgery and transitioned me back on to coumadin. I think I was taking the lovenox a total of 8 days after I was released from the hospital. Your doctor will probably take a factor X (10) maybe the day before surgery. Then a few days after surgery they gave me graduating levels of coumadin along with the lovenox until my couma care levels were within the normal range. My doctors also had me walking every two hours night and day once I was out of recovery. They will also have you wear pumps on your legs or feet that will help to break down the clots. I had the boots on, they immulate walking. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to start walking. I walked two miles before surgery and it help with the break down of blood clots and stamina after surgery. For those of us who have a problem with blood clots the best preventative measure is to walk, walk, walk. Hope this helps you. If you have any questions you may e-mail at [email protected]. Let me know how things go.
   — Tracey W.

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