Bad timing here!! I fell out of my bathtub on 4/23 and twisted my knee REALLY bad...

I have torn ligaments and possible torn cartilige. If the latter is true, I may be facing surgery for that. My WLS date is 5/23. As I hit the floor I literally thought, "Oh no, what will this do to my surgery date?" Do you guys think this will mess me up? Does anyone know if a torn cartilige surgery can wait until after my WLS? I can walk a little better each day. I use a cane for stability, and I wear a bandage. It just feels as though it's popping out of joint. I have an MRI for 5/4, and go to my ortho doctor again on May 10 to here the results. What do you guys think? They would have to really do some convincing to make me postpone my WLS. MAYBE if it means amputation! ! lol. Does it sound like my WLS date will be ok? HELP! ! I'm really stressing over this one.    — lerli1 (posted on April 29, 2002)

April 29, 2002
I am no expert nor do I play one on tv this is just my experience. I was in an auto accident LAST April, damaged cartilige Torn MCL and ACL. I didnt even HAVE surgery on it until Feb 16 2002. I did PT for a time b4 surgery and now I am doing it for recovery. I also think that you may not be able to do alot of walking after the surgery and we all know how important that is after the surgery to help with the weight loss but you can do water arobics. I love having my PT in the pool. Best of Luck to ya. I am right with you my surgery is May 21!!WoooHOOOooOOoo 4 US!!
   — Sassy M.

April 29, 2002
Dear Lora,<p> I have chrondomalacia in my knees from a car accident 5/00 as well as meniscus tears which have yet to heal.<p> I understand you do not want to reschedule your WLS, but, if you do not get surgery on your knee not only could you damage the knee further, but if you were lucky enough to heal, you could heal completely wrong.<p> Knees are <b>really</b> important. You do not want to chance knee replacement, as they only last for 10 years.<p> Please do not consider postponing knee surgery. WLS will be of no use to you if you cannot walk properly in the hospital, or at home during your recovery...<p> Best of Luck!<p>
   — Anna M.

April 29, 2002
Well, it has been said by some well read folks in this world that an injury to soon before a surgery we long for can actually be our subconscious mind trying to stop or sabatoge our own success. What am I babbling about? Well I have surgery in 7 days. Today in the garage I fell, landed on my knee, scraped my hand as I landed on the lawn mower and punctured a finger right in the crease where it joins the hand..OWWWWW!! My whole hand feels stiff. But... Louise Hay says that injuries to legs or feet are the subconscious way of saying to yourself "I don't feel supported by life. OR I'm afraid of moving forward with life" That is what I took my fall to mean. So now I am working on changing my outlook and giving myself more positive reinforcements...we CAN do this! Hang in there girl and take care of what needs taking care of! hugs~Kristi
   — Kristine P.

April 30, 2002
I twisted my ankle and fell walking out of the door to my house about one week before my surgery. My surgeon said that I had to be able to walk on it without pain medication on the day of surgery. His position was that he wanted me to be able to walk right after surgery without causing any injury to my ankle. I iced the heck out of that baby and was bruised, but walking fine on the day of surgery and it went off without a problem. The think I remember teh most about this incident was lying there on the patio, hurting like hell, and the humilation of knowing that I was so fat that even my husband and the neighbor together wouldn't be able to pick me up if I couldn't get my legs under me. I knew then and there, without a doubt that WLS was the only way I was going to get myself out of the pain of those types of situations. Now, my husband could not only help me up, but he can pick me up and carry me around the house!
   — BethVBG

May 1, 2002
What does the Ortho recommend? It could be that the WLS would be helpful for the knee in healing if you had WLS first. I would find out how soon after WLS you could do the knee. It could be a month or 6 wks. You'd be healed from the one, have the 2nd and the weight loss could actually help in bearing weight on the knee. I would go to the ortho and get his opinion then do what he suggests.
   — Linda M.

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