is it normal to have a backache?
I am 6 days post-op(LAP) and my back is in so much pain that I cry, why would my back hurt when I had surgery on my stomach? Anybody have any home remedies? The pain meds they gave me I cannot take until after the kids are in bed because the medication puts me into a sounds sleep for at least 6 hours. Showers/baths don't work. — Lovett (posted on April 21, 2002)
April 21, 2002
HI, part of your backache may just be because you spent so much time on it
post surgery. The other reason may be what they did in the operating room.
I'm sure that the push and pull and do all sorts of things that we never
know about to get the job done right. I found that sleeping on the couch
with my back to the back of the couch supported the back and helped some.
Also, I take Ultram for pain and it's non narcotic and doesn't put me to
sleep. Maybe you can ask the doc for something like that for the daytime
until this ends. My back hurt for about 2 weeks and then it just seemed to
go away. I wish you health and good luck and pray that you feel better as
quickly as tomorrow. Barb
— Barbara H.
April 21, 2002
My back hurt in the beginning too. I figured it was a combination of 2
things. One was what Barbara said about having to stay on your back right
after surgery. And the other one was having to walk around all hunched
over to protect the incisions from hurting. You know how you don't want to
stand up straight for a few days, maybe a week. That pulls on your back
muscles in a strange way and causes them to be sore. You will feel better
— Cheri M.
April 21, 2002
Common complaint, caused by how were strapped down during surgery. They
dont want us moving around. Causes minor nerve damage too. Goes mostly away
in a few weeks or less. I had numb areas on my backside that mimicked a
backache. Later it turned into a area of tingles but it does get better.
Liquid tylenol worked for me. This pain was worse than the surgery sites...
— bob-haller
April 21, 2002
I had the same exact problem. I figured it was because I couldnt use my
stomach muscles to get up or do anything so I overused my back muscles. I
called the doctor and they gave me some muscle relaxers--flexeril. It
really helped, and they made me tired but not as much as the pain pills
did. Good luck. It should only be temporary.
— Cory F.
April 21, 2002
— christeen M.
April 22, 2002
I have not had the surgery yet, but have had 3 c-sections. I have always
had major back pain after the surgery, I think it was from putting
everything back in place. I always ended up getting the bengay and a
heating pad to help with the pain. This usually took a couple of days to
help. I plain on taking my bengay and heating pad to the hospital when I
get to have my surgery. GOOD LUCK
— paulsgirl
April 22, 2002
Tina my back hurt so bad after surgery. Thank God for pain pills. The
scar didnt bother me half as much as my back hurting..It pulled like it was
muscles tight or something. Several people assured me it would go away. I
thougt after about 2 mo it would NEVER LEAVE but now it has. It could be a
number of things. It could be they pulled on you moving you and you pulled
a muscle or it could be bones ..but do your best to give it time. I kept
a warm pad on my back almost constantly and my sweet husband rubbed it for
me a lot!!! Its awful i know.
— Jackiis
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