Is it possible that my glasses are too big now?

Someone Please tell me I'm not crazy!I'm 3 months post-op and have lost a good amount of weight already. However it seems like my glasses are getting too big for my face! Is this even possible? Normally, I wear contacts but I just put my glasses on and I can't keep them on my face. Anyone else have this problem? Am I just crazy?    — Pamela P. (posted on March 27, 2002)

March 27, 2002
Hi Pamela, No you are NOT crazy! I have the same problem! I am 14 months post op and my glasses don't fit correctly anymore. So you're not alone! Congratulations on your weight loss!
   — Cindy K.

March 27, 2002
I knew I would eventually lose all over my entire body, so at 1 month post-op, at my annual eye exam, I ordered new frames and purposely bought them 2 sizes smaller then the previous pair. At first they were slightly tight at my temples and gave me headaches, but now, at almost 5 months post-op and down 95#s, they fit me loosely. So, NO, you aren't crazy. Isn't it great to see results so quickly after surgery? Congratulations.
   — Susan M.

March 27, 2002
OH PUHLEEEEEEEEEZE Tell me it isn't true! I'm looking forward to buying new clothes, even if I do get them at the thrift store, but the idea of having to buy new glasses? They are so expensive. OK, I'm kidding. I just had NOT thought of that.
   — garw

March 27, 2002
THAT'S GREAT! Although I didn't wear glasses at the time of my surgery, I did watch others as they lost their wt. One lady was so cute! She started with glasses that fit and pretty soon, they were a bit big, then bigger, then you could EASILY see through the glasses on the sides, right past her head! We told her she looked like a bug! (which delighted her) The most surprising things happen and I loved the process of losing almost as much as finally parking and holding.
   — vitalady

March 27, 2002
Nope, you're not imagining it. 6 months out and down 124 pounds, my glasses are definitely too big to the point of being annoying. Shopping is such a pain, isn't it? LOL
   — Julia M.

March 27, 2002
LOL It's possible....I have reading glasses and they slide down my nose constantly. My DH thinks it's "cute" I think it's somewhat annoying. LOL I look like a little old lady with bifocals. LOL Love, Donna in AL 8 )
   — Donna S. C.

March 27, 2002
Yes, as your face gets thinner, the frames on your glasses have to be adjusted or replaced. I know from personal experience. Also if you wear removal dental bridge, you might need a new one if you lose a lot of weight. That happened to me. Mine kept slipping and even using adhesive pastes didn't help. My dentist laughed and joked about my "big mouth" not being so big anymore. I needed new impressions and a new bridge.
   — margaret N.

March 30, 2002
ABSOULUTELY!! I am 5 months post op, down 96 lbs and had to get new glasses about 1 month ago. My glasses were sliding off of my face and the frames were to big. I got some new smaller ones that are much better and look better.
   — Bethany F.

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