Has anyone been diagnosed with a stretched stoma?

Hello everyone. I have been on a plateau for 3 months and have gained 8 pounds in the last 10 days. I am concerned that I may have a stretched stoma or pouch. Has anyone been told by their doctor that they have this condition? If so, has was it dignosed? and what was done to correct the problem? Thanks! Tonya    — ellton (posted on March 26, 2002)

March 26, 2002
they can do it by x-ray with the burger test. they give you two hamburgers and a cup of barium and put you behind the machine so they can watch you while you eat it. they measure te burgers before you eat tem then tey measure whatyou did not eat and subtract te difference. they can ten tell if it stretched or not and what size it currently is
   — anitawilson

March 26, 2002
How Post OP are you Tonya? I went through a rough time about 2 years post op because I started to regain weight. It freaked me out! I gained like 30 pounds not 8. I was afriad my pouch had stretched or broken open or something. I went to the doctor and they took a look at my pouch and sourrounding organs with a ultra sound test. I also had blood work done. I was totally healthy.I realized that I was unconsiously sabitoging my WLS. I tried so hard to eat for 2 years and then my pouch stretched just a little which I have learned is pretty normal. I was gradually able to comfortably eat the last two bites of that taco or sandwhich, ect.It was just enough to make me gain. I don't eat thoose last bites any more. I don't snack in between meals. I drink water and trick my pouch to get that full feeling if I am not sure I am "really" hungry or just eating out of boredom. The weight came off very easily and I even lost more. Please go see your doctor though. You never know it can be physical too. Good luck to you :)
   — paintnmynails

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